Home » Green pass: more checks on premises and on public transport. Unvaccinated Security and Defense suspended and without salary

Green pass: more checks on premises and on public transport. Unvaccinated Security and Defense suspended and without salary

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«The need to strengthen the verification activities» of the reinforced Green pass «arises above all in conjunction with weekends, marked by a notably higher movement of people. The intensification of services will therefore be particularly taken care of in urban areas with a greater concentration of commercial establishments and in those characterized by the phenomenon of nightlife ». This is what is read in the circular sent by the Interior Ministry to the prefects regarding the anti Covid containment measures introduced with the decree law of 26 November 2021. “According to the same implementation logic – continues the circular – the control services connected to the Christmas holidays and at the end of the year “.

«In the sector of public establishments and catering – the document continues – the control activity of the Municipal Police must be considered of certain importance. In order to avoid overlaps with the activities of the other police forces, in particular the Financial Police and to make the control action more effective and efficient, the need is emphasized that the respective services in this area are subject to a careful planning “.

Controls on transport entrusted to carabinieri and police
Transport controls will be entrusted to the carabinieri and police. “It reaffirms the need for the state police and the Carabinieri to direct their respective activities, with the necessary help of municipal police operators, primarily in the local public transport sector, with regard to both surface lines and those subways, where present “.

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The unvaccinated of Security and Defense suspended and without salary
For the categories for which the vaccination obligation has been extended, including the personnel of the defense, security and public rescue sectors, as well as that of the local police, it should be noted that “vaccination is an essential requirement for carrying out the work activities of the obliged subjects, with the consequence that any non-fulfillment determines the immediate suspension from the service, without disciplinary consequences and with the right to keep the employment relationship. During the suspension period, no remuneration or other remuneration or emolument, however denominated, is due “.

Weekly report on the checks carried out
“Compliance with the new provisions aimed at containing the pandemic is the real key to strengthening the primary needs for the protection of public health and not to frustrate the efforts already made in this direction, thus avoiding the restoration of the more restrictive measures introduced in the past and the slowdown in the process of recovery of the national economy “, reads the circular which underlines” the decisive importance of controls on compliance with the new measures “. The decree “establishes that the prefects send the Minister of the Interior a weekly report that gives an account of the results of the activity carried out within their respective competence”, to ensure, “between the center and the territory, a continuous flow of information”.

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