Home » Orient Securities maintains the rating of being willing to overweight the wine industry: high contract liabilities are dazzling, and the old wine strategy supports performance growth | Daily Economic News

Orient Securities maintains the rating of being willing to overweight the wine industry: high contract liabilities are dazzling, and the old wine strategy supports performance growth | Daily Economic News

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Every AI newsletter,Orient Securities issued a research report on October 21 stating that it maintains the overweight rating of Willing Wine (600702.SH, latest price: 195.69 yuan). The main reasons for the rating include: 1) the outstanding growth of contract liability balance and the continued expansion of distribution channels; 2) Tuopai’s heavy volume lowered 21Q3 gross profit margin and a slight decline in profitability; 3) Old wine strategy supports performance growth and is optimistic about long-term growth. Risk warning: consumption upgrade is not as expected, market competition is intensified, and food safety incident risks.

Every Jing Toutiao (nbdtoutiao)——Piracy, manuscript washing… The copyright pain behind the craze of the script: the pirated version was released on the same day; the pirate laughed at the author’s income

(Reporter Wang Xiaobo)

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