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Pro Loco resource for the territory, book photographs its economic impact

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ROME (ITALPRESS) – From the role of pioneer of hospitality and tourism promotion of the late nineteenth century, to the generous support provided to communities during the Covid-19 emergency. From the 110 thousand events organized in 2018 (in which 88 million visitors took part) to the role, conquered in the field, of undisputed protagonists of the enhancement of intangible cultural heritage. These are just some of the stages in the growth path of the Pro Loco adhering to Unpli Aps, reported in the volume “Pro Loco resource for the territory”, published by Marsilio and presented today in the “Caduti di Nassirya” room of the Senate of the Republic, on the initiative of senator Antonio De Poli; the presentation was also attended by senators Stefano Collina, Paola Binetti, Luigi Vitali, Stefano Candiani and Manuel Vescovi. The book gives an account of the study carried out by the CGIA of Mestre-Centro Studi Sintesi providing an exclusive overview of the economic and social impact of the action of the Italian Pro Loco; in Italy there are 6300, on average 0.79 for each municipality, and there are 300 thousand active volunteers. “The value of production generated by the Pro Loco system of festivals and fairs is equal to 2.1 billion euros in one year, also considering the related activities” highlighted De Poli, author in the Senate of a bill on the recognition of activities of these associative realities. “The Pro Loco system, therefore, generates wealth and stimulates local economies (according to the study of the Cgia of Mestre, consumption is 122 million euros and 10,500 jobs activated by the system of festivals and fairs organized in the various territories, from North to South). But the added value is the essential contribution of the Pro Loco in terms of social cohesion and growth of our communities. This is why today, more than ever, it becomes important to approve a bill that recognizes the Pro Loco at the regulatory level. . Volunteering – which is the essential pillar of this reality – is a heritage of solidarity that institutions must enhance by intervening also at the legislative level “concluded Senator De Poli. Spread throughout the nation, three out of four Pro Loco (4700) are engaged in the enhancement and management of the local material heritage, 5500 carry out communication and promotion activities of local activities and 57% take care of the tourist information office. “The initiatives of the Pro Loco are real flywheels for the individual centers by virtue of the specific value of the activity carried out and the results produced in terms of promotion and animation” said Antonino La Spina, president of the National Union of Pro Loco Aps . “The Covid-19 emergency wiped out the vast majority of events, including a large part of those scheduled for summer 2021. Faced with a difficult situation, the Pro Loco, however, once again made themselves available of the communities, supporting the structures and bodies involved in the front line and ensuring, at the same time, direct and concrete support, in various forms, to the local communities “concluded La Spina. In 2018 the volunteers of the Pro Loco provided the equivalent of 25 million hours of voluntary work in the most disparate forms (7ml festivals and fairs, 8 million other events, 10 million other activities). “The numbers and information that we have collected and systematized amply prove that the Pro Loco are not only festivals and fairs, but also events that affect all aspects of the social and cultural life of the country as well as commitment to the management of a variety of capable services to make the immense Italian heritage of material and intangible beauties usable “, underlined Renato Mason, secretary of the CGIA of Mestre. “It is a book that highlights the fundamental mission carried out by UNPLI, the enhancement of the rich and varied Italian cultural heritage, with its social and economic repercussions; a job and a task, that of the Organization, similar to the publishing profession: to agree, promote and disseminate a polyphony of voices, interests, passions, professionalism, points of view capable of recounting the excellence of a multifaceted country “declared Luca De Michelis, CEO of Marsilio Editori. Furthermore, 57% of the Pro Loco carry out interventions of support or social solidarity, 81% collaborate with public administrations. “The Pro Loco constitute one of the most important and deep-rooted Italian cultural networks, playing a fundamental role of territorial protection in relation to the tangible and intangible cultural heritage, in particular in medium and small municipalities and in territories other than metropolitan areas. they are precious allies for the Municipalities, with whom they are in constant and active collaboration “said Vincenzo Santoro, head of the Culture and Tourism Department of the Anci. “By safeguarding and enhancing cultural heritage such as, to name a few, dialects, local languages ​​and traditions, the Pro Loco put people at the center and through them promote the territories, of which they are a direct expression”, underlined Fernando Tomasello, vice president of UNPLI and head of the Culture and UNESCO department “In a moment like this, the role of the Pro Loco represents a force for the territories that is very useful for the restart. The data processed by the Cgia of Mestre allow us to understand the value that the Pro Loco can represent for the country: Enit le considers it to be of great importance in the national panorama for the promotion of Italian tourism “highlighted Sandro Pappalardo, director of ENIT. (ITALPRESS). mgg / com 25-May-21 16:10

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