Home » Public offerings significantly increase stock positions and increase positions in Hong Kong stocks Internet

Public offerings significantly increase stock positions and increase positions in Hong Kong stocks Internet

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(Original title: Public offerings significantly increase stock positions)

The disclosure of public offering funds in the quarterly report of last year was completed. According to Flush statistics, in the fourth quarter of last year, public funds increased their holdings in medicine and computers, and reduced their holdings in some new energy. In addition, public funds have significantly increased their positions in the Internet and healthcare industries in Hong Kong stocks.

According to data from Industrial Securities, as of the end of the fourth quarter of last year, the market value of A shares held by all public funds in the market was 5.46 trillion yuan, an increase of 2.87% from the third quarter. The proportion of the total market value of A shares held by public funds fell slightly from 6.97% at the end of the third quarter to 6.91%. Public funds are still the largest institutional investors in A shares.

With the gradual recovery of A-shares, public funds increased their stock positions significantly in the fourth quarter of last year, and the market risk preference has obviously picked up.

According to data from Industrial Securities, as of the end of the fourth quarter of last year, the position of active partial stock funds increased from 82.75% in the third quarter to 85.34%, reaching the highest level since the second quarter of 2004.

According to Flush statistics, food and beverage, electrical equipment, medical biology, electronics, and national defense and military industry ranked among the top five in the market value of public offering funds at the end of last year.

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However, in the fourth quarter of last year, the fund adjusted its heavy holdings in industries: increasing its holdings in medicine and computers, and reducing its holdings in electric equipment, new energy, and non-ferrous metals. As far as Shenwan’s first-tier industries are concerned, in the fourth quarter of last year, the medical biology, media, and computer sectors increased their positions the most. Among them, the media industry’s increase in positions was mainly concentrated in the Hong Kong stock Internet, while power equipment, non-ferrous metals and other sectors reduced their positions the most. Compared with the industry standard allocation, in the fourth quarter of last year, food and beverage and power equipment were still the industries with the highest overweight ratio, and banks and non-bank financials were the most underweight.

It is worth noting that as Hong Kong stocks bottomed out and rebounded in the fourth quarter of last year, funds also increased their allocation to Hong Kong stocks. As of the end of the fourth quarter of last year, the fund’s top five holdings in Hong Kong stocks were Tencent Holdings, Meituan, WuXi Biologics, Li Ning and the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. In terms of industries, the fund’s positions in the Internet and healthcare industries in Hong Kong stocks have rebounded more, and consumption is essential. Positions in the energy, telecommunications and telecommunications sectors dropped significantly.

Disclaimer: The Securities Times strives for truthful and accurate information, and the content mentioned in the article is for reference only and does not constitute substantive investment advice, so operate at your own risk

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