Home » That’s why Chat GPT mother OpenAI does not want to go public

That’s why Chat GPT mother OpenAI does not want to go public

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That’s why Chat GPT mother OpenAI does not want to go public

OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.
JASON REDMOND/AFP via Getty Images

ChatGPT parent company OpenAI does not plan to go public, according to CEO Sam Altman.

At an event in Abu Dhabi, he said he wants to retain full control over the AI ​​startup’s technology.

Altman said, “I think the chance that one day we’ll have to make a very strange decision isn’t trivial.”

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OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said he didn’t want the startup behind Chat GPT going public, believing that one day it will do things that could confuse Wall Street.

At an event in Abu Dhabi on Tuesday, he said Bloomberg sea, he wants to keep full control over OpenAI’s technology. “If we develop superintelligence, we’re likely to make some decisions that would be considered very odd by investors in the public market,” Altman said.

And when asked if he doesn’t have any stakes in his own company, he replied that he likes being “conflict-free,” adding that “I think the chance that one day we’ll make a very strange decision having to is not trivial.”

OpenAI is probably in no hurry to raise more money in the capital markets anyway, after Microsoft announced in January it would invest $10 billion in the startup after investing $1 billion in 2019.

The latest investment is estimated to have valued OpenAI at $29 billion, up from $14 billion in 2021, as reported Traffic lights reported in January.

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Meanwhile, OpenAI has continued to develop its AI technology. After launching ChatGPT in November, the company introduced the GPT-4 model in March.

At the time, Altman described GPT-4 as an improved model that was “more creative” and “less biased” than previous versions, saying that it was capable of passing the bar exam and that it was “a could reach 5”.


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