Home » The first domestic silicon carbide vertically integrated production line is put into production. Listed companies intensively deploy third-generation semiconductors|Information Focus

The first domestic silicon carbide vertically integrated production line is put into production. Listed companies intensively deploy third-generation semiconductors|Information Focus

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CBN 2021-06-24 15:38:46

Editor in charge: Hao Yunying

Since May, Wind’s third-generation semiconductor concept index has risen by nearly 60%, setting a record high. As a leader in LED chips, San’an Optoelectronics announced yesterday that the first phase of Hunan San’an Semiconductor Base with a total investment of 16 billion yuan was officially put into production, which will build the first domestic and third silicon carbide vertically integrated industrial chain in the world. LED chip counterparts HC Semitek recently also stated that the work of the company’s third-generation semiconductor materials and devices key laboratory is also progressing in an orderly manner. In addition, China Resources Micro, which is engaged in wafer IDM production mode, also has a third-generation semiconductor layout.

The first domestic silicon carbide vertically integrated production line is put into production. Listed companies intensively deploy third-generation semiconductors|Information Focus

Since May, Wind’s third-generation semiconductor concept index has risen by nearly 60%, setting a record high. As a leader in LED chips, San’an Optoelectronics announced yesterday that the first phase of Hunan San’an Semiconductor Base with a total investment of 16 billion yuan was officially put into production, which will build the first domestic and third silicon carbide vertically integrated industrial chain in the world. LED chip counterparts HC Semitek recently also stated that the work of the company’s third-generation semiconductor materials and devices key laboratory is also progressing in an orderly manner. In addition, China Resources Micro, which is engaged in wafer IDM production mode, also has a third-generation semiconductor layout.

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