Home » Top 20 Chinese Discount Store Chain Brands with the Most Development Potential in 2022-Qianlong.com.cn

Top 20 Chinese Discount Store Chain Brands with the Most Development Potential in 2022-Qianlong.com.cn

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Top 20 Chinese Discount Store Chain Brands with the Most Development Potential in 2022-Qianlong.com.cn

The impact of the epidemic, the economic downturn, the backlog of most brand products, the polarization of consumption in the macro market, the lowering of people’s expectations for future income, and the pursuit of “exquisite and economical” consumption psychology have brought huge development opportunities for discount stores.

According to the iiMedia Research Consulting report, the market size of my country’s discount retail industry will reach 1.62 trillion yuan in 2021, a year-on-year increase of 2.12%, and the CAGR in the past five years is 4%. Under the current environment of economic downturn and consumers returning to rational consumption, the discount retail format has a special sales economy with anti-cyclical characteristics, showing strong vitality.

The current popularity of discount retail is mainly due to its two advantages

(1) The advantage of gathering customers

Discount stores take “low price” as their core competitiveness. In the Chinese market where mass economic consumption dominates, they can attract consumers’ attention to the greatest extent; It can better satisfy the financially-strapped consumers’ pursuit of brands.

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(2) Effective force advantage

Discount stores originated in the 1950s. Under the pattern that other retail formats have matured, discount stores can survive tenaciously in the cracks of the market and achieve long-term development, which shows that their low-price survival niche is a good thing. its superiority. In order to achieve “low price” survival, discount stores must have better cost control technology.

Recently, LianShang.com selected the list of “2022 China’s Discount Store Chain Brands with the Most Development Potential TOP20” according to the analysis of the discount retail brand’s customer attraction and effect.

It is understood that Haodai, Vipshop, and YUKI Huigou member stores ranked the top three with 416, 292, and 153 stores respectively, and the fourth to tenth places were Hi Tego and Xiaoxiang Life (Hui Mai Meow) , Biyide, Xiaohongdao, Jingxiaohe, Tiaoma Wholesale Department and Love Discount (Original Food Huibang), all of which have more than 50 stores. And Aotele, Discount Niu, Scanhuo Mao, Dongluoxiso, Aoleqi, Youpin Shihui, Hema Fresh Outlet, Zheman, Qingcang Food Discount Store, and Zhetang Youpin also entered the list. Single top 20.

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