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Work, “on-term” recovery of employment: for six out of ten jobs lasting less than six months

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Work, “on-term” recovery of employment: for six out of ten jobs lasting less than six months

MILANO – With the closure of the quarterly surveys, Istat defines the annual average balance sheet for 2021 for the labor market. The result is a picture of recovery after the sharp decline linked to the pandemic. But it is a recovery, as has been evident for some time now, linked to temporary employees, moreover linked – in six cases out of ten – to jobs lasting less than six months. And, as the most recent monthly data show, the fear is that with the economic slowdown it is also jammed.

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The Institute’s document states that “after the sharp decrease in 2020 induced by the effects of the pandemic (-724 thousand, -3.1% compared to 2019), on average 2021 employment returns to grow by 169 thousand units (+ 0.8% compared to 2020)a summary of the increase observed in the last three quarters of 2021 which more than compensated for the sharp decline in the first quarter of 2021. At the same time, there was a slight increase in unemployment (+66 thousand, + 2.9%) and an intense decline in inactive aged 15-64 (-460 thousand, -3.3%) “.

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In the fourth quarter alone, there were 80,000 more employees (+ 0.4%) than in the previous quarter. A leap that becomes 571 thousand people (+ 2.6%) in the annual comparison with the same period of 2020.

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Returning to the average of the past year, “the employment rate rises to 58.2% (+0.8 percentage points in one year), recovering about half of the decline recorded in 2020 (-1.6 points compared to 2019) , and the unemployment rate also rises to 9.5% (+0.2 points in one year); on the other hand, the inactivity rate decreases (35.5%, -1.0 points) “. If we compare the 2021 annual average with that of 2019, it is noted a little further on, “the employment rate (15-64 years) is lower than -0.8 points”.

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Investigating the quality of employment shows that growth “it concerned temporary employees only (+280 thousand, + 10.7%), in about six cases out of ten those who carried out work lasting six months or less; permanent employees on average for the year recorded substantial stability and independent employees a further decline (-105 thousand, -2.1% in one year). The growth involved full-time work (+88 thousand, + 0.5%) but above all part-time work (+81 thousand, + 2.0%) “.

Jobseekers are also on the rise, an effect due to the increase “in those who have been looking for work for at least a year (short-term unemployed decrease) whose incidence on the total unemployed rises to 56.8% (+5, 1 points in one year). The unemployment rate reaches 9.5% (+0.2 points compared to 2020) “.

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Istat details that “the use of the informal channel continues to prevail: addressing relatives, friends and acquaintances remains the most widespread practice, albeit in decline (75.9%, -1.6 points); some more formal research actions, such as sending questions / resumes (64.0%, +2.3 points), replying to advertisements or posting advertisements (28.4%, +3.5 points), ” having undergone an interview or a job selection (19.8%, +1.1 points). A slight decrease is the share of unemployed who declare that they have turned to the Public Employment Center (17.9%, -0 , 8 points) “.

Positive is the fact that, after the big increase in 2020, last year the number of inactive people aged 15-64 decreased again (-460 thousand, -3.3% in one year). “The decline involves both the potential labor force, the component closest to the labor market (-232 thousand, -7.0%), and those who are not looking for and are not available to work (-228 thousand, -2, 2%). Discouraged people decreased (-265 thousand, -19.1%), as did the share of those not looking for work due to retirement or lack of interest (-11.7%); finally, the “other reasons” that in 2020 they were mainly linked to the pandemic. The 15-64 year inactivity rate drops to 35.5% (-1.0 points compared to 2020) “.

Still, Istat records a reduction in gender gaps which return to pre-pandemic levels, “following a more marked increase in employment and unemployment among women and a stronger decrease in inactivity”. The South is then the area that shows the most consistent increase in employment and decrease in inactivity. Looking at young people aged 15-34, “the most affected by the effects of the pandemic during 2020, the increase in the number of employed persons and in the employment rate is maximum (+ 3.2% and +1.5 points, respectively), as are the decrease in the unemployment rate (-0.1 points) and in the inactivity rate (-1.8 points) “. The effects of the pandemic crisis – adds Istat in the annual analysis – “were also heavy for foreigners, who in 2021 show an increase in employment rates (+1.0 points) and unemployment (+1.1 points) higher than that of Italians (+0.7 and +0.1 points respectively); at the same time, the decline in the inactivity rate 15-64 years is more intense (-2.0 points against -0.8 points for Italians ) “.

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