Home » Chen Duling starred in “Our Years of Fighting” and played the role of a multi-faceted heroine in the hit broadcast – Qianlong.com.cn

Chen Duling starred in “Our Years of Fighting” and played the role of a multi-faceted heroine in the hit broadcast – Qianlong.com.cn

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Chen Duling starred in “Our Years of Fighting” and played the role of a multi-faceted heroine in the hit broadcast – Qianlong.com.cn

Source title: Chen Duling starred in “Our Years of Fighting” and played the role of a multi-faceted female boss

Starring Xu Lu and Chen Duling, the urban female boudoir drama “Our Years of Fighting” was launched on November 25 on Tencent Video and iQiyi. The play mainly tells the story of a pair of girlfriends born in the 90s who choose different life paths after graduation, and join hands to restart their lives after many years. Chen Duling played the role of “Yuan Ge” in the play. She changed the gentle and elegant impression given by her previous works, and challenged the female boss in the workplace for the first time. Her excellent performance drove the discussion of the role to continue to rise, and also let the audience see her in the role. Plasticity in performance.

Yuan Ge, played by Chen Duling, often appeared in a refined and dashing professional suit with capable short hair. The first time he appeared on the stage was a plot of domineering action to rectify the workplace. On the golf course, Yuan Ge saw all kinds of unreasonable demands put forward by the partner, so instead of wasting time making moves, he thought about it in his heart, stepped forward, and threw the golf club into the lake in a handsome wave, his eyes were sharp and arrogant, and his aura He put down his cruel words: “I don’t talk about work, what am I here for? It’s none of my business if you’re happy.” Then he took his subordinates away, making netizens applaud and called “Chen Duling my Internet Mouth replacement”, “Chen Duling played Yuan Ge to my liking”.

In the workplace, she is a resolute, cool and willful female executive, but in life she is a heart-warming and righteous best friend. Facing his girlfriend Gu Qiao (played by Xu Lu) who is in trouble in marriage and career, Yuan Ge always thinks of her without reservation and shows up to help her out at any time. For example, the wedding scene took action to stop the farce, took her back to Shanghai to live together, slapped the scumbag man angrily, borrowed money from the boss to help her pay off her debts, and a series of support to help her re-adapt to the workplace and new life. Although the two of them occasionally have conflicts and frictions due to some misunderstandings, Yuan Ge will continue to be Gu Qiao’s most powerful arm when she is most helpless.

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Chen Duling’s interpretation of Yuan Ge is steelmaking, wrestling with wits, cutting through waves in the workplace, and it can also be turned into soft fingers, showing a soft and emotional side. The contrast of the character itself is also perfectly controlled by Chen Duling. In the plot updated last week, Yuan Ge’s rivalry with his father was quite catchy, and Chen Duling’s acting skills gained more recognition. Yuan Ge had always held grudges against her father because of her childhood knots. After learning that her father was sick and hospitalized, she rushed into the ward and scolded her. With tears in Chen Duling’s eyes, he almost trembled and sobbed as he uttered every sentence of his accusation. He was full of emotions and relaxed, expressing Yuan Ge’s remorse and worry for not discovering his father’s illness in a timely manner. When Yuan’s father confessed to entrust the deposit as an afterthought, Chen Duling sat on the bed covering his face and wept behind a curtain. Without a single line, but with soft and fragile eyes, he interpreted Yuan Ge’s forgiveness and understanding for his father at this time. To the fullest.

From the pure and pleasant “little ear” in the movie “Left Ear” to the firm and courageous “Yuan Ge” in the urban drama “Our Years of Fighting”, Chen Duling’s acting skills have been improving, and his understanding of the role and The shaping has also become more calm and profound. Next, she will have many dramas such as “Lotus Tower”, “Long Moon Ember”, “Fox Fairy Little Matchmaker Moon Red Chapter”, “Huanxisha”, “New Legend of the Condor Heroes: East Evil and West Poison” “Fortress”, “Trident”, “A Thousand Bone of Flowers”, “Power Code” and many other films will meet with the audience. I look forward to seeing more wonderful performances of actor Chen Duling in these works.

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