Home » Does it make sense to “marry a wife without high cheekbones and marry a man without even eyebrows”? (Photos) – Eyebrows – Face – Emotional Seesaw – See China Net

Does it make sense to “marry a wife without high cheekbones and marry a man without even eyebrows”? (Photos) – Eyebrows – Face – Emotional Seesaw – See China Net

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Does it make sense to “marry a wife without high cheekbones and marry a man without even eyebrows”? (Photos) – Eyebrows – Face – Emotional Seesaw – See China Net

Is the saying “If you marry a wife without high cheekbones, if you marry a Han, you will not marry with a brow.” Does it make sense? (Image source: Adobe Stock)

“Hold the hand of the son, grow old with the son” is the happy marriage that everyone yearns for.faceTo a certain extent, the characteristics also reflect the inner morality, which is also an important reason why people value appearance when talking about marriage. There is a saying called “get marriedUnscrupulouscheekboneshigh,married mannot marryeven eyebrows“, is a kind of admonition to men and women choosing a mate from the face of the ancients. So do you think this sentence is reasonable?

One, do not marry a wife with high cheekbones

The cheekbones are located just below the eye sockets and on both sides of the nose. From a medical point of view, the cheekbones are one of the facial skull bones, and the height of the cheekbones will directly affect a person’s facial contour.

According to modern aesthetics, a man or woman with relatively high cheekbones often gives people a fortitude and three-dimensional beauty. From the point of view of the ancients’ knowledge of people, or from the perspective of face equality, high cheekbones may not be a good thing.

The ancients believed that bones belonged to yang and flesh dominated yin. A woman with particularly high cheekbones has a strong desire for power and control. Especially the word “zygomatic” is homophonic with “quan”. High cheekbones indicate strong desire for power, unruly personality, snarky and mean people, like to grab the limelight at every turn, and stand above others, lacking the feminine qualities of women. Therefore, if a man marries such a woman, there will inevitably be a phenomenon that women are strong and men are weak.

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The photo book also believes that women with high cheekbones have the suspicion of “criminal husband and child”. This means that marrying a daughter-in-law with high cheekbones will not only not bring the fortune of a prosperous husband, but will also affect the next generation. There is even a folk saying that “a woman with high cheekbones does not need a knife to kill her husband”.

couple getting married
There is a saying that “marry a man, marry a man, dress and eat”. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

2. Marrying a Han does not even marry the eyebrows

There is a saying that “marry a man, marry a man, dress and eat”, marrying a man who is capable and loves his wife is the greatest wish in a woman’s heart. But there is one kind of man who must never marry, that is, the man with “even eyebrows”.

This kind of eyebrows, also known as “cross-linked eyebrows” or “connected heart eyebrows”, is actually a combination of eyebrows, which is also known as “one-word eyebrows”.

In “Li He’s Little Biography”, Li Shangyin once made a mockery of Li He’s appearance: “Changji is thin and thin, with straight eyebrows and long claws.” eyebrow”.

“The Yellow Emperor’s Classic of Internal Medicine” says: “The eyebrows are the official of the righteousness, and the decision is made; the sprouts of the eyebrows are the righteousness of the decision; the eyebrows are the foundation of action, and the supervisor is diligent and lazy; the eyebrows are the star of perseverance and resistance. , in charge of character and temper.” It refers to the style or shape of the eyebrows, which can actually show a person’s health and fate at the same time.

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From the perspective of “physiognomy”, men with “even eyebrows” are generally narrow-minded; or they are mentally retarded and confused; they are always reckless, confused, unstable, lack rationality, and lack the ability to deal with others.

This kind of man is difficult to become a “climate” all his life, and the most important thing is that he has a tendency to violence. Therefore, a man with “even eyebrows” would never marry a woman in ancient times.

People often say that “the appearance is born from the heart”, “the kindness of the heart makes the appearance beautiful”, and the appearance of a person is inextricably linked with the inner world.

In life, you will also find that most of the people who are kind-hearted are kind and friendly, while those who are insidious and cunning are hideous and daunting.

Of course, marriage is about fate, and the secret of family happiness depends on the care and persistence of both husband and wife. Although the physiognomy of the older generation is not unreasonable, it can only be used as a reference.

Responsible editor: Shuhui–All rights reserved, any form of reproduction requires the authorization of China. It is strictly forbidden to create mirror websites.

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