Home » Explore with Ouyang Nana to customize Gujia Home Furnishings for living space and deepen the strategy of “rejuvenation”-Qianlong.com.cn

Explore with Ouyang Nana to customize Gujia Home Furnishings for living space and deepen the strategy of “rejuvenation”-Qianlong.com.cn

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Explore with Ouyang Nana to customize Gujia Home Furnishings for living space and deepen the strategy of “rejuvenation”-Qianlong.com.cn

Source title: Explore with Ouyang Nana and deepen the “younger” strategy

She is the most popular post-00 artist. She is an elegant cello goddess. She is a cute girl with ghosts and horses… As an idol of the younger generation, what kind of life does Ouyang Nana yearn for? On June 12th, Gujia Home Furnishing officially launched the tvc “Longing for Life”, which was filmed in cooperation with brand ambassador Ouyang Nana, and broadcasted a new product launch event to present a new home space and advocate young people to “do it at home”. the most comfortable self.”

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On the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the brand’s establishment, Gujia Home Furnishing chose to invite Ouyang Nana as a brand ambassador, approaching young consumer groups with practical actions and exploring a new generation of lifestyles. The cooperation between Gujia Home Furnishings and Ouyang Nana can be regarded as a mid-term summary since the cooperation between the two parties, with vivid scenes, ingenious products, and fashionable concepts as proofs for the life that contemporary young people yearn for.

“Longing for life must be like Na” tvc debut

The tvc video of “Longing for life is to be like Na” respectively constructs three living space scenes of bedroom, kitchen and living room. We can see that Ouyang Nana, who has lost her star halo, is just like every friend who lives by our side. Or when you have a rare spare time to clean up your house at home, you will also go to the kitchen to “forage” and reward yourself with a snack when you are half hungry, or you may wake up from a comfortable bed in the morning and be laughed at by your family and complain about your dishonesty sleeping posture… In the video, Nana’s close “roommates” also appeared one by one. In addition to a cute cat, there is also a soft bed with double headrests that can be freely adjusted from the cat’s perspective, providing comfortable and free companionship; the sofa cleverly combined with the hidden coffee table can send and receive freely, providing a free and spacious activity space; graphene The constant temperature heating table brings good “food” light, so that the food is always warm.

In the new product launch session in the live broadcast, the new products are presented in the form of scenes, so that the wonderful life of “Na” can be more realistically presented. These seem to reproduce the life behind the current young people, and subtly convey the “longing for life”. In the brand attitude of Gujia”, although everyone has a different longing for life, the essence of the pursuit of “longing for home” is the same. “Home is a place where you can put all your looks. Gujiajia knows the mood of young people who want to be themselves best.” The relevant person in charge of Gujiajia said that this is also the goal of Gujiajia and Nana to show the “Na”-like longing for life. “We want to give them a space where they can release themselves and be free, and inspire more inspirations to yearn for life.” Ouyang Nana also visited the live broadcast room. As the release officer, she shared her experience and interpretation of comfortable life with everyone. Go to each space to interact with roommates with different personalities and pick roommates online. Everyone also warmed up for Nana’s farewell to her 21st birthday in the live broadcast room, and gave Nana the same sofa and other benefits without interruption.

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Based on user needs, continue to “younger” upgrade

“Rejuvenation” has become the direction that Gujia Home Furnishing has led innovation in recent years. From product design to scene creation, it always conveys the longing life to consumers. As the new brand ambassador, Ouyang Nana, who signed the post-00s contract, is a new step for Gujia Home Furnishings towards brand rejuvenation. This time, the whole house optional package with a new scene space concept launched with Nana also presents its brand The latest achievement of rejuvenation, through a variety of different spaces and single product collocation, to create the life that young people yearn for.

In the live broadcast room of the new product launch, the main stage is set up as the customized space of “Na” yearning for Dream Garden, with the guest and bedroom spaces on the left and right sides, presenting the yearning home of young people with an immersive experience. Continuing the online topic of Nana’s roommate, Gu’s family also designed 6 spaces with completely different styles. Each space, from large tones to small details, corresponds to a roommate with a unique personality, and there is an independent bass who is curious about the world. Hands, low-key and stylish composers, and Yan-controlled guitarists who love life… Every young person can find his own shadow in these characters, and see that the life he yearns for is “Na”.

Taking advantage of this 618 promotion, the whole house optional package will be provided to consumers with a super discount, and the first benefit of “49800 whole house package price” will be issued, package price = transaction price. Gujia Home Furnishing hopes to meet the price demand of consumers while creating the beautiful life that they yearn for, and further innovate and upgrade the whole-house customized furniture products, leading the new trend of intelligent, healthy and younger furniture market.

People in the industry commented that this time in the “mid-term summary” with Nana, Gujia Home Furnishing handed over a wonderful answer sheet of “Nah”, and it also made people feel more about the further “rejuvenation” action of Gujia Home Furnishing in the future. yearning. Since the launch of the “rejuvenation” global strategy in 2020, Gujia Home Furnishing has carried out a series of innovative ways of playing out of the circle with the theme of “longing for life in Gujia”, bringing users a refreshing experience and refreshing people. A traditional impression of the traditional home furnishing industry. Starting from Gujia Home Furnishing, the home furnishing industry is depicting a rich model of longing for life with a new image of beauty, fun, warmth and creativity. What kind of new life will it open with the new generation of idol Nana? inspiration? It is worth looking forward to.

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