Home » Industry|Acquaintances are funny, and the magic weapon “decibel is running away” opens up a new outlet for micro-complex development_Programme_Zhang Yuan_Family

Industry|Acquaintances are funny, and the magic weapon “decibel is running away” opens up a new outlet for micro-complex development_Programme_Zhang Yuan_Family

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Industry|Acquaintances are funny, and the magic weapon “decibel is running away” opens up a new outlet for micro-complex development_Programme_Zhang Yuan_Family

Original title: Industry|Acquaintances make laughs, and the magic weapon “decibel is running away” opens a new outlet for the development of micro-comprehensive

At the end of 2022, the outdoor music healing variety show “Decibels Are Running” will “break out” from the crowd. The show combines elements of music, travel and reality shows. The guests formed the “decibel family” for 7 days of outdoor camping, and obtained the “decibel value” through game interaction to win luxurious stages for 3 concerts. With a joyful and warm atmosphere, life-like scenes of healing, and a short and concise time, it successfully went out of the circle and became the new “electronic mustard” in the hearts of netizens.

This time, film and television observers interviewed Yang Jianwei, the person in charge of Mango TV’s Damang micro-complex, and Si Ruqin, the project director and producer of Zhenhong Shise Cultural Media Company.

As soon as the program started broadcasting, #升品在逃逃在做一个很新的转别##苦味张远共合音唱友兄道兄# and other topics quickly sparked discussion among the audience. So far, it has garnered 80+ hot searches on the entire network. Several short video clips were also reposted by netizens on various platforms, and Southeast Satellite TV and Straits Satellite TV also had good ratings.

“The music atmosphere is ok, the guest configuration is ok, I’m in love with it”, “The interaction of the five people is so much fun, Chunchun is the sequel of 0713”, “After watching the first episode, I can just finish a meal”, and the barrage bursts into my face The evaluation not only reflects the viewing experience of netizens, but also appropriately summarizes the characteristics of “Decibels Are Escaping”.

Variety shows with hot topics and excellent content can already get a share of the audio variety market where the heroes are vying for hegemony, but the advantages of “Decibels Are Escaping” are far more than that. According to Yang Jianwei, the person in charge of Damang Micro-Comprehension, “Decibels Are Running” has made unique innovations in terms of themes. “Every other unit of the program, which may be two or three episodes, will have an outdoor concert. .From the results, every time there is a concert, the data will have a new jump.”

Considering the declining ratings of “concave in the middle and high at both ends” in variety shows, this unit-based program mode avoids the ups and downs in ratings and stabilizes it at a certain broadcast rate. The novel mode has captured the audience and effectively enhanced Audience stickiness.

The audience is the receiving end, the platform is the monitoring end, and the producer represents the production end. Tracing back to the source, the reason why “Decibels Are Escaping” can achieve impressive broadcast results and word-of-mouth advantages is not unrelated to Zhen Hong Shise’s control over the quality and positioning of the program. Project director Si Ruqin believes that the following four points are decibel’s trump card to win the audience and the market.

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First of all, as the producer, Zhen Hongshishi has a clear insight into the precise demands of customers; secondly, the broadcast platform Mango TV has made strong empowerment on the traffic track; thirdly, due to the accelerated work rhythm and the popularity of short videos, users Watching habits have been developed; finally, the strategic control of the producer and the extremely sticky and flexible collaboration with all partners. Various elements form a positive synergy to help “Decibels Escape” break out of its own track under the strong comprehensive support at the end of the year.

Picking up the microphone is a music partner

put down the microphone is a heartbroken old man

As a variety show that focuses on healing, nothing is more convincing than “hahahahaha”. Happiness and truth are the most real feelings for netizens after watching the show. There are no variety show routines here, no special effects and post-editing, and some are just the true feelings of old friends reunited. “Acquaintance committing crimes” is particularly valuable in the current environment.

The friendship between Su Xing and Zhang Yuan was recognized by the public in the summer vacation of 2022. This time in “Decibels Are Running”, everyone saw the wonderful chemical reaction of “as long as they get together, everything is funny”. In addition, Zhang Yuan, Yu Gengyin, and Zhao Rang have all participated in “Sparkling Days”, and Zhang Yuan and Si Waige have also participated in the same program “Our Boat Talk” before. After taking stock of the guests, I have to say that Zhang Yuan’s title of “social butterfly” is well-deserved.

With the mass base of 0713, Decibel has an innate enthusiasm; the guest team of the acquaintance bureau, and the jokes that are familiar with each other, are even more hard indicators for the audience to continue watching. During the broadcast of the program, the variety show effect presented by the natural social relationship allowed the topic of friendship to ferment naturally, ensuring the basic user base.

In addition to the friendship of everyone, what can make the audience quickly feel a sense of substitution is the self that the guests show in the program, which is consistent with their daily life. They each perform their own duties and have a clear division of labor. Su Xing, who often shows the “daily life of an old singer”, is an all-round ACE in the decibel family. He is omnipotent in outreach, publicity, art, shooting, and video editing, and has no shortcomings in all aspects.

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The “Reaction Rich Man” Zhang Yuan is an important member of the decibel family. Even if he is dragging his leg, he will still cheer for each member’s actions, and the best supporter is none other than him. I thought that Zhao Rang was a quiet and handsome man, “Reversal Nova” never disappoints, “The decibel family, no one is as good as us, we are great” This slogan that runs through the entire program just opened his mouth, it is true and impressive.

As an important member who manages the mental state and family atmosphere of family members, Swaige is very competent. He assists others when they are making trouble, and makes trouble when others are working. He is good at singing, dancing, cross talk, and hosting. With him, the atmosphere will never be let down. Compared with the other four, Yu Gengyin fully grasped the title of “quiet and beautiful man”, worked silently, watched other people fight, and interpreted the quietness of the years with his own strength.

Such a guest structure is enough to be dramatic and eye-catching. Si Ruqin, the project director, said that the cooperation of the decibel family was considered at the beginning of the IP framework, and the current achievements are the result of the joint efforts of many parties. At the same time, she also believes that the interaction of netizens’ speeches on the bullet screen has greatly inspired the program group, allowing them to determine the main promotion direction of friendship.

Speaking of the original intention and opportunity of making “Decibels Are Running”, Si Ruqin said that the current public is not as free to release pressure as before the epidemic, so at this stage, similar to cloud tourism and surrounding camping have emerged and become hot. outlet. Enjoy the beautiful scenery while watching the program to feel the joy, give the audience an outlet to vent their emotions, and provide spiritual healing.

Innovative concept + original IP

Highlight the multiple possibilities of micro-synthesis development

For a long time, the difficulty of getting out of the circle has been an “obstacle” lingering on the micro-comprehensive track. Due to the influence of volume and broadcast platform, micro-comprehensive has not yet entered the public’s field of vision. Faced with the market’s judgment that Weisong is not optimistic enough, Si Ruqin has a different view.

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“First of all, the micro-synthesis is small in size and compact in content, which is suitable for the viewing habits of contemporary young people; secondly, it can more flexibly empower the brand’s precise marketing; third, the cost of the micro-synthesis is controllable, and the investment pressure is small; fourth. , there are more opportunities to integrate resources from all parties, so the marketing flexibility is stronger; finally, from the perspective of users’ viewing experience, the short comprehensive is also relatively fresh.”

Since the establishment of Zhenhong Ten Colors, it has always adhered to the “content + marketing” two-legged approach. From the perspective of layout, content and user orientation are considered as the dual core, which is more conducive to the platform’s combination of boxing ratios. It has produced many well-known programs. . This time, “Decibels Are Escaping” has achieved a comprehensive innovation in form and value, giving Zhen Hong ten colors enough confidence to create their own micro-synthesis layout.

“Next, we will make small innovative concepts on the level of content concepts, instead of pursuing rapid progress, and pay more attention to the creation of young people’s aesthetics. In addition, under the dual trends of technology and technology, we will do some sub-attributes, including exploratory ones. Try. For example, do original IP, traffic IP, OM’s e-commerce IP, etc. We will lay out content on different tracks, such as virtual track audio comprehensive, short dramas, including “Decibel and Escape 2″ and other programs.” Si Ruqin talked about it.

Mango TV is also optimistic about the development of micro-variety shows. Yang Jianwei mentioned in the interview, “First of all, we must find a form that is different from the current long variety shows in terms of program format. For example, some of our variety shows may not choose specific updates. form; secondly, the exploration of content topic selection is narrower in the topic selection of the program, more finely divided in more vertical fields, and the radiated crowd is also trying to concentrate.”

Both Mango TV and Zhenhong Shise are trying to create works with more texture. The popularity of “Decibel is Escaping” is a good start. It is their common goal to let the show enter the hearts of the audience and establish the brand. Under the idea of ​​high-quality production, micro-synthesis can also be “supported”.Return to Sohu to see more

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