Home » This week’s astrology Mercury and Venus enter Capricorn: eager to try Week (Photos) Constellation | Fortune | Tang Qiyang | Kaleidoscope |

This week’s astrology Mercury and Venus enter Capricorn: eager to try Week (Photos) Constellation | Fortune | Tang Qiyang | Kaleidoscope |

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This week’s astrology Mercury and Venus enter Capricorn: eager to try Week (Photos) Constellation | Fortune | Tang Qiyang | Kaleidoscope |

This week, the astrology Mercury and Venus enter Capricorn: the week of eagerness to try. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

How about the astrology from December 5th to 11th?

hop week

This week is defined as the eagerness week. And there are two very important planets moving this week, one is Mercury and the other is Venus, they will move from Sagittarius to Capricorn, which means you may find more things you want, why? Because we are already at the tail end of Sagittarius, and Jupiter has also gone direct, then this all means that we have grasped positive energy. We began to feel that it seemed to be not bad, and it also connected with our eagerness to try. A situation where we are beginning to take shape or we will meet a noble person. So as long as you seize this opportunity and perform pretty well, then you can imagine that there are many people who love and cherish talents looking for such a person, and you can seize the opportunity.

Wednesday is when Mercury enters Capricornus, and Mercury finally bid farewell to Sagittarius. When Mercury is Sagittarius, we sometimes speak high in the sky, or speak astronomical language, or speak a little awkwardly, and others may not understand what you are saying. But when our Mercury arrives in Capricorn, we will land and implement it! We also feel that there must be a rule and a specification when speaking, so it is normal for anyone to write official documents, business proposals, or reports recently.

Venus also enters Capricorn

Then it will be Saturday weekend, and Venus will also enter Capricorn. Of course, the first benefit is the Capricorn constellation. Your perseverance, hard work, and hard work will become good things, and the advantages will be seen by others. If you have any good things to bring out, or it will also let you have Good luck, it looks more beautiful, etc., so Capricorn students can look forward to it! Before Saturday, Venus is in Sagittarius, and Sagittarius looks better.

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This week, the astrology Mercury and Venus enter Capricorn, what is the impact on individual constellations? (Image source: Adobe Stock)

How does it affect individual constellations?

Tired this week: Cancer, Virgo, Sagittarius, Capricorn

Friends of the Cancer zodiac sign have actually had some breakdowns at work recently, for example, something went wrong, or an unexpected situation was messed up, there may be some, or the general environment is unfavorable to your work. So you have to hold on? Then in terms of feelings, there may be a big dispute. Of course, the result of the big dispute may be good. This is the beginning of a rebirth, or it may really break up.

For Virgo friends at work, if you feel that you are hitting a wall everywhere, it means that there are some secret things, and you have not figured out that the other party may have its internal reasons. It is not convenient for him to tell you, so you have to investigate, otherwise If you do, you will feel baffled. So in terms of relationships, your problem lies in your sense of security. If your sense of security can be satisfied, the problem will not be a big deal.

Sagittarius friends, in fact, in terms of work, you will feel a lot of small warmth. Of course, the big problem may still exist, but the small kindness and warmth around you will make you more sustainable. They work hard. Well, in terms of relationships, I’ve been pretty close to young people recently, so it’s normal if someone confesses to me a few years younger.

Capricorn friends should pay attention to their health this week. In terms of work, you really want to work hard, but if you are not healthy, you will be limited. Then you are more concerned about financial management or money matters recently. If you have money Just be motivated! So do it for the money! Then in terms of relationships, your pragmatic attitude sometimes makes others feel that they have been thrown cold water, so be careful.

Stable this week: Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Pisces

Aries friends. In fact, in terms of work, you are a little self-conscious. If you do it by yourself, of course the speed is very fast and you can do it well, but if you need to coordinate, you will have conflicts with others. coordination is important. So in terms of relationships, I also hope that you don’t face your other half with an attitude in the field of work, or that he keeps seeing your back working overtime, which is not good.

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Friends of the Leo zodiac sign, in terms of work, you are also a hardworking type, and something should be ending recently, so you are immersed in it and have worked hard. But in terms of relationships, you also belong to this kind of hard-working spirit, and the other party will feel a little dissatisfied, or feel that you can be more humane and not like a robot.

Scorpio friends are actually quite easy to forget things in terms of work. Have you lost the gear a little recently because the peak period has passed, or have you started to enter a more intuitive state? So if it is a job that requires a lot of detail, you have to be careful. In terms of relationships, recently I like to fantasize about secret love, or enter an imaginary situation. You are very suitable for watching dramas. If you look at each other in real life, you may not have such a good feeling.

Friends of the Pisces zodiac sign, in work and career, female opponents have feelings for you. For example, you will think that someone who is promising is also good, or he is excellent, and you really want to fight with him. Girls are very capable. Stimulate yours. Then in terms of relationships, such angry opinions around you will make you very confused, so it is better to listen less.

Liked this week: Taurus, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Friends of the Taurus zodiac sign may encounter plans to follow the schedule at work, and you will be able to follow the schedule well, but if you are a little old-fashioned, then you will also meet old-fashioned executives, or Director. In terms of feelings, you are taking the high-cold route, so others will think you are difficult to break through, with an expressionless face and so on, so you should smile more.

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Gemini friends, you are good at work this week, so you just bury your head and work hard. The work efficiency should be quite high, and the results should be very good. Then in terms of feelings, you also face your feelings with a management heart, please show your romance, please? It’s not enough if you just pick up and send off love warmly, and then do things very thoughtfully.

Friends of the Libra zodiac sign actually, in terms of work, you have to take a serious management route. The situation you have laid out has recently begun to close, so it is slowly getting better and better, and for you, you will also start relax a little. Then in terms of relationship, you are a bit too dull, and you are too work-oriented, so the other half may really want to activate you, so if he comes to force you to do something, I think it is right for you to be kind.

Friends of the Aquarius constellation have good news about work this week, such as winning an award, getting a name, or something can finally be shown to everyone, so it is a feeling of achievement. Then in terms of relationships, you will also feel refreshed because of your popularity. Or it makes others feel that the more they look at you, the more pleasing they are, so they attract a lot of people, some are good, and some are unethical, so be careful.

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Responsible editor: Niu Lanke

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