Home » 3 grams a day of this substance could be enough to lower the pressure and here are the seasonal foods in which we can find it

3 grams a day of this substance could be enough to lower the pressure and here are the seasonal foods in which we can find it

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3 grams a day of this substance could be enough to lower the pressure and here are the seasonal foods in which we can find it

Hypertension or high blood pressure is one of the most common health problems in today’s society. More and more people suffer from it, regardless of age, and the causes can be many and varied. They range from a sedentary lifestyle, through hereditary factors to an unbalanced diet. And it is precisely on this front that we can act starting from breakfast and on which a lot of scientific research is concentrated. The latest is very recent and has shown that 3 grams per day of this substance could be enough to keep blood pressure levels under control. Let’s find out what it is and the best seasonal foods to stock it up.

The new study on the effects of omega 3s on blood pressure

The beneficial effects of omega 3, polyunsaturated fatty acids, on health have now been widely demonstrated. The latest research in this regard comes from Canada and highlights how the inclusion of 3 grams of omega 3 in the daily diet could lower blood pressure.

The researchers compared the beauty of more than 70 studies on the relationship between pressure and omega 3. All based on a database of about 5 thousand individuals. The results of these cross analyzes are very interesting. In fact, it seems that those who consume about 3 grams of polyunsaturated fatty acids are able to lower the maximum and minimum values ​​of the pressure by 2 points.

Even more marked decline for those suffering from hypertension. For these individuals, consumption would lead to a decrease in values ​​of about 4.5 points.

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And now that we have discovered the benefits of omega 3 on blood pressure, we just have to figure out which seasonal foods to find them.

3 grams a day of this substance could be enough to lower the pressure and here are the seasonal foods in which we can find it

Before understanding how to integrate omega 3 in the summer diet, a premise is essential. Even if they are beneficial substances, we must never exceed the doses and focus on do-it-yourself diets. Excess is as risky as deficiency and for this reason we should always be followed by an experienced nutritionist.

Among the foods richest in omega 3 there are many fish from our seas. In June we have delicacies such as mackerel, sardines and sea bream available.

If we don’t love fish, don’t worry. Many green leafy vegetables such as lettuce and rocket also contain excellent quantities. Ditto for seasonal fruit. Good sources of omega 3 are cherries, avocado, strawberries and blueberries.

Recommended reading

Here is which summer fruit we should eat and which to avoid if we really want to lose weight before facing the costume test

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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