Home » 3 tips to lower the blood pressure and 5 remedies to bring it down immediately and not risk major heart failure

3 tips to lower the blood pressure and 5 remedies to bring it down immediately and not risk major heart failure

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Thinking about the well-being of your heart does not only mean dealing with love and various feelings, but above all helping our main muscle to feel good. There are many strategies and remedies that we can use to reach our goal. Doctors and specialists will be able to give us all the necessary information to treat ourselves if we are really in danger.

Take care of nutrition and more

Following a low salt diet, properly called low sodium, accompanied by constant physical activity is the first fundamental requirement for our health. This combination is not magical, but it will bring immediate benefits to our heart health. It would be better to choose an activity that we like, such as walking or cycling, and pursue it consistently. Thus we will also be able to lose weight and relieve the heart of excessive fatigue.

Eliminating unnecessary sources of stress and even smoke and coffee is another piece of advice we feel like giving. Stress, we know, is part of our daily life, but we must learn not to feed it with negative thoughts or excessive worries. Sometimes taking a break from life’s problems will allow us to live it better. If, on the other hand, we cannot completely eliminate smoke and coffee, we try to reduce them drastically.

Third and final tip to lower the pressure is to shop smartly. Buying junk food or canned food, which will stay indoors for months and then expire without using it, will not benefit anyone. Nor to the health of our heart because we will not have purchased necessary and useful food for him, much less our pockets.

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3 tips to lower the blood pressure and 5 remedies to bring it down immediately and not risk major heart failure

If you have high blood pressure it is good to have a blood pressure monitor available to check it as needed. It would also be good to write down the daily measurements on a piece of paper so you can see its progress.

However, we can act immediately when we are faced with a rise in pressure. The first remedy is to work on sitting breathing. Focus on your breathing trying to stay calm for as long as possible. Breathing control will allow us to relax immediately. We can also lie down on the ground, spread our arms and stretch our legs. We will thus have a controlled breathing.

Drinking a glass of water will help calm us down if hypertension is due to excess dehydration.

Soaking your feet in hot water is also a useful remedy, as blood circulation will go down and we will feel better. The ideal would be to opt for a very hot bath in which to immerse yourself. The vapors will immediately lower the pressure.

Listening to music will allow us to distract the brain and relax, while massaging the face and neck will help release tension.

These, therefore, are 3 tips to lower the pressure and 5 remedies to make it go down immediately and not risk big heart failure.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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