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4 are enrolled in the Specific Training Course in General Medicine – Newsbiella.it

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4 are enrolled in the Specific Training Course in General Medicine – Newsbiella.it

There are 24 doctors who are attending the three-year Specific Training Course in General Medicine at the ASLBI, enrolled over the three years. The Health Authority also confirmed its willingness to be one of the regional branches of the course also for the upcoming three-year period 2021-2024.

The course, which provides for participation in theoretical and practical activities over the three years, is aimed at training General Practitioners and their inclusion within the regional rankings according to the territorial area of ​​preference expressed by individual doctors, for the subsequent conferment of ownership assignments through an agreement with the ASLs. However, these can already be conferred also during the attendance of the Course, at the discretion of the doctor, in order to guarantee primary assistance in the area in a historical period of widespread lack of this figure.

“The objective of the Specific Training Course is to ensure that the trainee acquires not only clinical skills, but also all the ways of taking charge of the patient in the management of pathologies: it is a tool to introduce the doctor to the of the synergy between hospital and territory, in the management of priorities and the prescriptive appropriateness of requests – explains Roberta Cappelletti by the Health Department of the Presidium, contact person of the ASLBI training center – Thanks to the constant presence in the hospital, as well as in territorial assistance, during the internship there is also the possibility of deepening the knowledge with specialist doctors, an added value for the future outpatient activity that the doctors in training will subsequently carry out ».

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The practical training activities take place in the Maternal and Child Department, First Aid and Emergency-Hospital Emergency, General Surgery, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Territorial Services Medicine (such as for example activities relating to the District, Territorial Pharmaceutical, Family Consultancy, Service for Pathological Addictions), General Practitioner, Clinical and Laboratory Medicine.

There are four General Practitioners who have given their availability to an assignment of ownership by attending the Specific Training Course in General Medicine at the ASLBI and who now deal with primary care in the area.

In particular in the eastern Biellese area, where in 2021 doctors Jacopo Pettinelli and Alessandro Cavalotti and doctor Giulia Rosa accepted the assignment through this method, while doctor Elena Verdieva will become the owner shortly but is operational from 2020 through a temporary appointment. .

“These Doctors have decided to undertake a path of professional growth dedicated to primary care and the health needs of citizens, guaranteeing the” generational turnover “of colleagues without interrupting the continuity of patient care, in a period of regional shortage and nationally – comments the District Director, Barbara Bragante – Their getting involved by accepting an assignment of ownership during the specific training course represents a starting point for the relaunch of medicine in the area in the field of primary care. These professionals, these people, are asked to respond to the needs of users by building a relationship based on trust with them “. “These doctors in training could also soon be joined by others”, concludes Bragante.

“The autonomy in managing a clinic, being responsible for their own timing, and the relationship of acquaintance with the patient, are the basis of the decision to undertake this profession – say Pettinelli and Rosa, respectively 29 and 30 years old and resident in Biella and Casapinta. , who conduct an outpatient clinic in Cossato in the territorial area including the Municipalities of Cossato, Lessona, Quaregna Cerreto, Casapinta, Mezzana Mortigliengo, Strona, Castelletto Cervo, Mottalciata, Gifflenga, Piatto, Valdengo and Vigliano – Through a multidisciplinary preparation that covers all specialist branches, our role represents for the client a first approach to the National Health System before even turning to the specialist if necessary “.

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“In addition to knowing most of the patients and their families, a valuable aspect is the collaborative relationship established with colleagues”, adds Verdieva, 44 years old from Cossato, active in the territorial area of ​​Cossato, Lessona, Quaregna- Cerreto, Casapinta, Mezzana Mortigliengo, Strona, Castelletto Cervo, Mottalciata, Gifflenga, Piatto, Valdengo and Vigliano. A theme, the latter, also highlighted by Cavalotti, 36 years old and resident in Valle San Nicolao, active since 2014 initially as a Continuity of Assistance (formerly the Medical Guard) and now owner in Valle San Nicolao, Vallanzengo and Bioglio: “The shared approach for team work is the basis of the new medicine, the Covid emergency has shown it. Our profession has changed compared to previous methods and finding a “team” helps to work with peace of mind and to guarantee efficient primary care in the area, where it is now possible to do various things that previously could only be done in the hospital ».

What would Pettinelli, Cavalotti, Rosa and Verdieva recommend to young colleagues attending the specific training course in General Medicine and who could take on a role of ownership? «The beginning will be difficult, there is a lot to learn in the field, but then confidence is acquired – they say – Once you have entered the“ mechanism ”, the relationship with the patient is the most satisfying part. This profession ensures emotional involvement and people confide in us at three hundred and sixty degrees because they are very respectful of this figure, in small towns in particular ». “We have found that we are never alone, creating a network of professionals helps to confront and manage situations is essential – they add – The General Practitioner is not simply a general practitioner, but the main filter between the territory and hospital access”. “The continuous all-round relationship with the patient was the aspect that made me lean towards Training in General Medicine – explains Pettinelli – Initially I was undecided whether to follow this course or a specialization, but autonomy from a medical point of view made me decide for the choice I made ». Motivations also shared by Rosa: “The relationship of trust that is created with the patient is one of the main reasons that led me to undertake a training course in General Medicine”. “After a period of work in the specialist field, I also obtained the qualification in General Medicine, I found my professional dimension”, says Verdieva instead. Finally Cavalotti affirms that he has decided to devote himself to General Medicine because «I have always preferred to be operative in the area where I grew up, assisting the community. The choice to become a doctor dates back to the time of studying in high school ».

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csasl biella, s.zo.

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