Home » After age 40 it is this problem that many ignore that increases the risk of sudden stroke

After age 40 it is this problem that many ignore that increases the risk of sudden stroke

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An irregular and sedentary lifestyle could expose you to numerous diseases that involve the different organs and systems. It is true that specific foods have a beneficial effect on the body so as to cleanse the arteries and counteract cholesterol. However, a healthy diet is sometimes not enough to counteract the onset of some pathologies already present in the body.

Sometimes there is no awareness of this presence as some diseases occur in asymptomatic form. Sometimes it is a clinical check-up that highlights a particular clinical condition, or simple blood tests. That is why it can happen that an apparently healthy person gets a stroke. In fact, after age 40 it is this problem that many ignore that increases the risk of sudden stroke.

What is stroke and how does it occur

Stroke is a pathological clinical condition that describes the rupture or closure of an arterial vessel to the brain. In the first case we speak of a hemorrhagic stroke following the rupture of the vessel, the second hypothesis instead defines the ischemic stroke. Very often the arteries that are involved in these phenomena are those of the neck, or the carotids.

The outcomes of a stroke can predict varying degrees of severity and can even lead to death. Other consequences that could derive from a similar phenomenon are problems in movement, localized paresis, difficulties in language and thinking. Although the stroke event occurs completely suddenly, it is possible to keep your health under control especially in the presence of the most common risk factors.

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After age 40 it is this problem that many ignore that increases the risk of sudden stroke

When you reach middle age, some pathologies begin to present themselves sometimes quite early. It is no coincidence that we have illustrated the 3 signs of an early dementia that can be detected already at 40 years of age.

Among the risk factors for stroke, type 2 diabetes mellitus plays an important role. This form of diabetes can result from two alterations such as insulin resistance of the tissues or a deficit in the secretion of insulin by the pancreas.

This form of diabetes is closely associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, obesity, high cholesterol and triglycerides, a diet rich in sugar and a sedentary lifestyle. In many cases the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes occurs causally following clinical analyzes or the presence of specific symptoms. As a German scientific study has shown, the correlation between type 2 diabetes and the risk of stroke is quite marked. This is why in these cases it is good to always keep your health under control. These evidences also show that, by improving the lifestyle, a whole series of more or less serious pathologies can be prevented.


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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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