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all health side effects

Drinking this well-known and popular drink around the world could cause liver disease and ailments. What is it about.

Bevande (Pixabay)

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Most of us know that drinking too much alcohol is bad for the liver, but we don’t think about it soft drinks that could harm this vital organ. Instead we should do it. A very popular drink among young people can cause liver ailments, according to this latest research. All the details.

Drinking soda drinks: all health side effects

People who drink little or no alcohol may be prone to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), which includes a range of liver conditions. When suffering from NAFLD, in the liver cells an excessive amount of fat accumulates and, although people with this condition rarely report symptoms in the early stages, NAFLD can eventually cause nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), a more advanced condition characterized by liver damage and impaired liver function.

Energy drink
Energy drink (Pixabay)

Several factors can increase the risk of NAFLD and NASH, including some eating habits which make the development of these conditions much more likely. Read on to find out which hugely popular drink is now known to trigger non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and how its consumption can harm your health.

Most common liver diseases

In the United States, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is the most common form of chronic liver disease. Experts estimate that between a quarter and a third of Americans have NAFLD or NASH.

Inflammation and liver damage cause people affected by these conditions significant changes in their health. Normally, less than 5% of the liver is made up of fat, but in patients with non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH), 50% to 80% of the liver weight may be made up of fat, mostly in the form of triglycerides, explains a recent study.

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Unfortunately, this is only the beginning. NAFLD or NASH can lead to a number of serious diseases, including chronic liver cirrhosis or scarring of the liver, accumulation of fluid in the abdomen (ascites), fibrosis, liver failure and liver cancer. . Additionally, the CJG study notes that NASH is an “increasingly common indication for liver transplantation.”

Consuming soda can cause NAFLD and NASH

Research has shown that consuming a popular drink can significantly increase the risk of developing NAFLD and NASH: sweetened drinks (SSB).

A 2015 study published in the Journal of Hepatology looked at data from participants in the Framingham Offspring and Third Generation cohorts of the Framingham Study and found that high rates of SSB use were linked to poor liver health. “We have observed that regular consumption of sugary drinks is associated with an increased risk of fatty liver disease, particularly in overweight and obese subjects”the study authors wrote.

The CJG study confirmed these results after conducting its own cross-sectional study over the course of 36 months. When controlled for other factors, including diet composition and physical activity, the consumption of soft drinks was the only independent variable that could predict the presence of fatty liver in 82.5% of cases. with a sensitivity of 100%.

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