Home » Better not to keep your cell phone in this place if we want to avoid any nasty surprises for your health

Better not to keep your cell phone in this place if we want to avoid any nasty surprises for your health

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Cell phones are so part of our life that they can be considered real extensions of our body. What many overlook, however, is that such frequent use has consequences on our body.

Various studies have been carried out on the effects of the telephone on our health. For example, it has been proven to affect the sleep-wake cycle and stress levels. It is involved in raising resting blood pressure and reducing the production of melatonin.

Some studies also highlight its implication in the risk of contracting cancer. It is clear that to have such serious consequences one must be massively exposed to the radiation emitted by the mobile phone, every day and for a long time.

This is the case of those who usually put their mobile phones in their trouser pockets, in close contact with a very delicate area of ​​the body: the reproductive system. It would be better not to keep the cell phone in this place if we want to avoid nasty surprises to health, especially for men. Let’s see why.

Better not to keep your cell phone in this place if we want to avoid any nasty surprises for your health

Many scholars have asked themselves the question: can being in close contact with the mobile phone have repercussions on our fertility? Indeed, the question extends to every electronic device that emits RF-EMR radiation.

The answer was given by a team of experts led by Professor La Vignera. The report of the study, published in the Middle East Fertility Society Journal, says that constant proximity to cell phone waves affects sperm morphology.

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Paraphrasing the study, there are significant differences in volume, concentration and viscosity in the semen of those who are constantly affected by RF-EMR waves. Although, according to the study, the difference in quality of the same sperm is very low.

The implications of the waves emanating from the cell phone on the increased risk of male infertility are not yet fully scientifically proven. However, the evidence gathered so far suggests not keeping the phone in close contact with the genitals (and the rest of the body) for several hours straight. Storing your cell phone elsewhere costs nothing and can save us from future nasty surprises.


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