Home » Brittle nails, alopecia and cold feet could be caused by dietary deficiencies that new medicines would cure without causing heaviness and vomiting.

Brittle nails, alopecia and cold feet could be caused by dietary deficiencies that new medicines would cure without causing heaviness and vomiting.

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Brittle nails, alopecia and cold feet could be caused by dietary deficiencies that new medicines would cure without causing heaviness and vomiting.

It is one of the most important macronutrients because it is present in our body in large quantities. Its lack, or an excess of consumption, can create serious problems. The absence becomes serious because it could cause a shortage of hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen to the lungs. The excess, which can lead to real accumulations, could lead to cirrhotic episodes and liver disease. This is iron, on which the absorption of other minerals such as zinc depends and whose daily requirement would be around 14 mg, according to the European tables.

Iron deficiency creates an anemic situation that weakens the body by questioning the functioning of the immune system. The consequences could be brittle nails, alopecia and cold feet for prolonged periods. These are typical symptoms to watch out for, so that you can schedule any exams. In the case of more serious deficiencies, the brain neurotransmission system could be affected.

Food friends

Iron deficiencies could be bridged by dietary modifications. The iron present in animal foods is quickly absorbed. That contained in vegetables is absorbed by 10%. A balanced intake of vitamin C would aid in the absorption of iron.

Consuming lemon by squeezing it on food, rather than directly in water, could be the correct way to supplement vitamin C. Being very acidic, lemon could cause irritation to the colon and intestines. In vegetables, iron is present in legumes such as chickpeas and beans and in cereals such as wheat, barley and oats. In the vegetable we find it in spinach, chicory, peppers and all crucifers. In the most serious cases it is necessary to resort to real supplements.

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There are also therapies that involve taking iron not orally but intravenously. Oral therapies, on the other hand, could have side effects due to heaviness and taste.

Brittle nails, alopecia and cold feet could be caused by dietary deficiencies that new medicines would cure without causing heaviness and vomiting.

The new drugs protagonists of intravenous therapies would not have the classic side effects of heaviness and vomiting. Outpatient treatments would be much faster than in the past. In the past they took an hour and now they are completed in 15 minutes.

It is necessary to ask the doctor for information on what is new on the subject. The intake, for example, would be progressive and treatments could be done once every 6 months.

In Europe, 30% of women suffer from iron deficiency, and 77% of pregnant women suffer from it. However, the government agency AIFA has made it clear that intravenous administration of iron can cause serious reactions. That cannot be followed by patients suffering from asthma, eczema and allergies. Outpatient clinics must provide safe administration through the availability of resuscitation equipment.

Recommended reading

To cleanse the arteries and eliminate abdominal fat and intestinal gas, garlic, milk and lemon could be the right treatment despite the side effects

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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