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cases of intoxication from what was inside

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cases of intoxication from what was inside

Today we talk about food poisoning. It is a disease that is caused by theingestion of contaminated food from which many people manage to heal without having recourse to special treatments. In most cases of food poisoning, the food is contaminated with bacteriasuch as salmonella or norovirus.

I symptoms of food poisoning they can show up within a few hours after ingestion of contaminated foods or they can occur later, even after a few days, and whose duration varies from one to 10 days maximum. Symptoms often accused are: watery diarrhea, nausea and subsequent vomiting, abdominal cramps and pains, chills and fever. In severe cases, repeated episodes of vomiting and diarrhea can also cause dehydration as well as the presence of asthenia, that is, a state of muscle weakness that is widespread throughout the body.

Individuals who are most at risk of food poisoning they are certainly the elderly, pregnant women, infants and young children due to an immature immune system but also people suffering from chronic diseases, with reduced immune system capacity. Food can become contaminated at any stage of its production, ranging from processing to cooking. The causes of food poisoning they can occur due to several factors such as: incomplete cooking of food, poor storage but also expired food and contact with dirty hands.

But let’s go to the center of the article: if inside one pasta packaging we find some insects, what should we do?
Surely, as it goes without saying, you must bring the pack of pasta to the shopkeeperwith what receiptto get a new packaging not damaged and not contaminated by insects; alternatively you can ask for the refund of the money paid by way of price. However, if we have lost the receipt and therefore the proof of the purchase, in a possible lawsuit against the shopkeeper, it might be useful to have witnesses.

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Inas they will immediately carry out all the necessary checks and, if the blocking of pasta should it turn out badly, it will be immediately withdrawn throughout Italy. If you are, however, immediately a damage to health whether it is intoxication or a simple dysentery, you can ask for a compensationeven if for this reason it will be necessary to initiate a case from the justice of the peace, making use of an expert opinion that certifies that the pathology is derived solely and exclusively due to worms that were present in the food. In fact, under the Consumer Code, the seller is still solely responsible for any existing lack of conformity upon delivery.

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