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Cereals: what they are, nutritional properties and health benefits

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Wheat, corn, oats, barley, spelled … Cereals are the basic foods, together with vegetables, of our precious Mediterranean diet. Natural products that are very important for the body as they are capable of providing carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fiber.

They are divided into whole grains, hulled or pearled. This difference essentially arises from the manufacturing process. THE Whole grains, in fact, they also include the external envelope of the grain (bran) and are recommended by experts as they maintain the richest part of fiber, minerals and B vitamins hulled cerealsinstead, a first refining process takes place which contributes to the loss of a large part of the bran. THE pearl cerealsfinally, they totally lose the bran and the germ and are therefore poor in vitamins and minerals.

Nutritional properties and health benefits

In addition to providing carbohydrates, they contain minerals and B vitamins, as well as small amounts of essential proteins and amino acids. Self integral, then, they represent a precious source of dietary fiber useful in regulating intestinal transit. They also possess other substances such as beta-glucans, lignans and polyphenols which contribute to reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease, colon cancer and neural tube defects.

Which ones are they


Among cereals, it is a great ally of the liver, intestines, heart system, nervous system. It also owns diuretic properties and laxatives that stimulate lazy bowels. Numerous studies have shown that it produces a very positive effect on cholesterol: In individuals with levels above 220 mg / dl, daily consumption of the equivalent of 3 g of soluble oat fiber lowers total cholesterol by 8 to 23%. In fact, it contains a type of soluble fiber, beta-glucan, which traps the food-borne cholesterol in a sticky, non-absorbable gel that runs through the intestine taking cholesterol with it.

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Presents starch in good quantities, proteins, fiber, phosphorus and niacin. This cereal helps the digestion as it promotes intestinal transit, thus bringing relief to constipation. At the same time, its action on peristalsis it is not irritating for the intestinal mucous membranes thanks to its mild effect anti-inflammatory. It also helps regulate the levels of glycemia in the blood and stimulates the sense of satiety. On the market there are numerous varieties of this cereal: puffed to obtain flakes, toasted and ground to prepare the common beverage. From the germination of barley kernels, malt is also obtained, which is widely used for the production of beer, whiskey and vodka.


Contains starch and simple carbohydrates, proteins and fiber in good quantities, potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins of group B.


It has a good supply of B vitamins; Compared to other cereals it contains more starch, it is devoid of gluten and has proteins of greater biological value. On the market there are several varieties that are distinguished by size of the beans: common, semi-fine, fine and super-fine rice. There is also the parboiled type, subjected to a pre-cooking process.

Wheat or grain

They can be hard or soft. From the grinding of the type tender flour is obtained which is then used for bread making, while from the type Lasted semolina is obtained which is used for the production of pasta food.


For human food, the vitreous is used, which is ground for the production of flour; the perlino, ideal for the pop-corn; the sweet, which is what is commonly found on the market; the tender, which is used for the extraction of starch (cornstarch). Corn flour, compared to wheat flour, has a higher fat and carbohydrate content, but has proteins with a lower biological value; it has a good content of phosphorus and potassium and does not contain gluten.

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They are buckwheat, amaranth and the quinoa. Although they are not cereals, as they do not belong to the Graminaceae family, they have very similar nutritional characteristics. They are a source of carbohydrates, proteins (even richer in amino acids essential a high bioavailability compared to cereals, as stated in the most recent Guidelines for a healthy diet), fiber, unsaturated fats, vitamin E, B vitamins and minerals. These pseudocereals, such as rice and corn, are excellent for celiacs as they are free of gluten.


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