Home » Covid: here are the new drugs. To spray or liquid

Covid: here are the new drugs. To spray or liquid

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Now the drug is bought on the Internet. Powerful drug, to be sprayed on the marijuana cut. Powerful and dangerous for kids because it has nothing to do with the traditional one. It can give upsetting effects, including cardiovascular and psychotic effects. The market for new psychoactive substances did not slow down during the pandemic. Rather. Young people, locked up at home by lockdowns, escape anxiety and depression by also buying them on offer: the “buy two, get three” is common on dozens of sites. And with 5-10 euros you can buy, packaged in milligrams, a disruptive thing, to be sprayed on marijuana, or in sachets, tablets or diluted liquids.

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The poison control center of the Maugeri Institute of Pavia, directed by Dr. Carlo Locatelli. “The new psychoactive substances have not registered a slowdown during the pandemic – confirms Locatelli – the market on the internet has made available 100 well identified by the European Addiction Agency. The latest arrivals are about thirty: we reported them during 2020 for effects they produce: very severe psychoactive substance intoxication “.
The Poison Center of Pavia, a national reference point, has as its interlocutor the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the Department of Drug Policies, to which the DCSA (Central Directorate for Drug Services) also refers. In practice I am an authority, both in Italy and abroad. Because they know everything about drugs, and they never stop discovering them.

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“In circulation there are about 1,000 substances defined as psychoactive because they act on the brain, as well as on other parts of the body – explains Locatelli – they use, we have ascertained, people from 10 to 60 years. There are 20,000 consultations, on as many patients, requests to our center from 2010 to today for problems relating to new psychoactive substances. We analyzed 1,700 of them: this is the largest case history in Europe “.

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But what new drugs are we talking about? “We often find a recurrence of substances that we have already seen, but which are part of the family of new drugs – explains Locatelli – the consumption trend is high for contemporary drugs because they are low cost, moreover easily available and experimentable, with an equivalent market , if not higher than that of cocaine “.

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Over the past decade, the poison control center has brought to light about seventy drugs. “Out of 1,000 officially recognized, 45% is made up of Synthetic cannabinoids (invisible to routine exams) often the same as cocaine. Then we have the Synthetic cathinones (33%), derived from natural substances such as the “Qat” (Ethiopian plant), dangerous enough to be described as a “cannibal’s drug” because they generate violence in patients. 20% of new drugs are made up of different families of molecules: new generation opioids, such as fentanyl and oxycodone. To this we add i derivatives of amphetamines, triptamine, fenetilamine, Ketamina (dangerous because very powerful and dissociative), opioids, which send you into a coma “.

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The latest discovery is a new case of opioid. “The report came from the European Agency and we studied the first human case, a boy from Pavia – concludes Locatelli – but the berries of stramonium (weed), or cases of Floripondio poisoning (sowing) are no less powerful than two guys bought in Spain and they were so sick that they had to stop at the border. ” And what about energy drinks? Officially they are not drugs but you have to be careful. Because in cardiopathic or hypertensive subjects they can also cause a heart attack.


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