Home » Danger of mental aging | A foolproof remedy: you will have shocking benefits

Danger of mental aging | A foolproof remedy: you will have shocking benefits

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Danger of mental aging |  A foolproof remedy: you will have shocking benefits

As we age, the brain along with the body also suffers unpleasant consequences. For aging, however, there is an incredible remedy

Mental aging (Pexels)

The passing of the years is certainly a source of both great benefits and some problems. First, advanced age allows you to rest more: retirement is now a concrete reality and life becomes slower and more peaceful, with calmer and more relaxed rhythms. Aging, however, also brings some physical and mental ailmentswhich can compromise everyday life.

Just for counteract mental aging, there is a remedy available to everyone that has incredible benefits on the brain and on the development of gray matter. He immediately starts doing it: it will change your life.

Mental aging: sport is redeeming

Aging (Pexels)

Practicing regular physical activity is certainly good for the body. Keeping moving, from an early age to old age, allows you to have good muscle tone and to maintain a healthy weight, a protective situation against certain diseases such as diabetes or hypercholesterolemia. The World Health Organization advises 150 minutes of moderate-to-intense physical activity a week to keep a healthy body: practicing sports, therefore, is not just a hobby but a real duty.

Furthermore, moving regularly also allows one better blood circulation. A French study showed that there is a strong correlation between regular physical activity and glucose metabolism of the brain, the parameter that appears altered in the elderly suffering from dementia. They have been taken into consideration 130 people around 70 years of age, without any brain problems. It has been noted that those who practice regular physical activity has a more developed brainwith a greater availability of gray matter: this tends to be confirmed even when situations of dementia occur o Alzheimer’s.

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Moving regularly, therefore, is beneficial on several levels. First of all allows you to maintain an ideal weight, which is essential to avoid the onset of diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes or hypercholesterolemia. Furthermore, the deeper benefits reach up to the brain: playing sports enhances learning ability of new information, as well as short-term and long-term memory skills. For any stage of life, it is necessary to find a sporting activity suited to your body and your needs because, if it is true that sport is good for you, an inadequate activity can cause serious injurieswhich especially in the aging phase can be difficult to fix.

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