Home » Do you know this serious pathology? It could cause serious workplace injury

Do you know this serious pathology? It could cause serious workplace injury

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There is a serious pathology, officially considered among those “at risk” by Inail: that is, capable of causing serious accidents at work, but at the same time also of compromising not only physical but also mental integrity and the productivity of the individual .

Sleep apnea

Our physical condition, our state of health, the integrity that we are able to “preserve” with respect to the passage of time, they outline the picture of serenity which revolves around the sphere of private and working life.

It is never trivial to repeat and repeat “To love each other”, from take care of yourself, to make the most of everyday life.

Fully enjoying the things in life is a condition none of us could do without. As well as being able to perform at work to obtain the desired successes compared to the efforts made.

A serious pathology that can compromise our working life: the Inail report tells us about it

When health fails, compromised by serious or even serious illnesses, any mechanism that allows us to keep private life and work in perfect balance jumps like a mad bolt. And of course our personal serenity and that of the people around us are at risk.

We are therefore obliged to do everything possible to avoid setting out along dangerous paths such as smoking, obesity, alcoholism, which are game forces the antechamber of serious diseases.

We must and can do everything to feel good, also because it is the only way to preserve our health, which is already seriously compromised every day by factors that do not directly depend on us.

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Nothing to be taken for granted, therefore, in trying to put your own first well-being, aimed at achieving one’s goals.

Not to mention the negative economic consequences that could compromise our life in the case of serious illnesses.

Sleep apnea: how to avoid them with a correct lifestyle

They exist, as we said, according to Inail, very serious pathologies that risk compromising our working integrity, both in the relationship with others, and above all because they can cause serious accidents.

In a recent report drawn up by Inail, among the apparently less known diseases, to be taken into the utmost consideration, there is OSAS, or Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.

We are talking about the serious conditions that lead to partial or complete closure of the airways during sleep, with episodes of short duration interspersed with phases in which breathing resumes regularly.

The most affected are the men between 40 and 80 years old. And of course factors like obesity and smoking, as well as previous chronic respiratory diseases, they are the main cause that leads to suffering from what should be considered a real disease. Let’s see why sleep apnea can cause, according to Inail, serious accidents at work, coming to compromise, in extreme cases, even our life.

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Of course we are referring to those jobs where attention must always be maximum. Especially when we lead dangerous vehicles, when we are driving heavy vehicles. When our integrity is directly linked to the health and safety of other people. Like when we are at driving a bus chock full of passengers.

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Chronic fatigue, weakness, possible visual disturbances, they can in fact represent the direct consequence of sleep apnea. During the latter poor oxygenation reaches the brain.

Furthermore, drowsiness and lack of attention are not an indication of a positive image. This also happens where our job position does not include delicate roles, but however, it requires maximum efficiency.

Imagine the hand of a nurse or that of a doctor struggling with this pathology. But also think about those who have responsibilities in a bank or company, where concentration must always remain at the highest levels.

Not to mention the economic backlash that all this implies on our life. Also and above all if we were to compromise our position gained after years of hard work.

And of course, everything is aggravated as regards, on the one hand, direct health costs linked to diagnosis and treatment. But on the other hand, also, as already mentioned, indirect social costs, linked to one, can fall on two of us low productivity and absenteeism and more.

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A role of responsibility and poor efficiency could cause serious economic inconvenience to the entire company for which we work or for which we run.

If necessary, intervene with oxygen therapies or the use of a C-PAP they can be an indispensable condition for treating this pathology. But of course, in the first place, there is the maintenance of a “balanced” lifestyle which can help us avoid many diseases, even disabling ones, that can occur in adulthood.

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