Home » “Don’t eat bananas if they have this color!”: Crazy, that’s what happens

“Don’t eat bananas if they have this color!”: Crazy, that’s what happens

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“Don’t eat bananas if they have this color!”: Crazy, that’s what happens

You should not eat bananas if they are unripe because you lose a significant amount of natural antioxidants useful for not aging. On the other hand, if you consume ripe bananas and suffer from hyperglycemia, you risk raising glucose as a result of a greater intake of sugars contained in the starch formed by ripening.

In any case, eating bananas ensures the absorption of potassium, an extremely important micronutrient for the function of our body. Athletes know this well because potassium contributes to muscle contraction and keeps blood pressure levels balanced. It does this by decreasing the stimulating effect of sodium.

In addition, potassium regulates the balance of fluids and minerals in the body and reduces the risk of kidney stones. This contribution to the tissues and components also favors the maintenance of bone tissue which is lacking with the onset of old age. Therefore it is very important as we age to eat bananas.

In addition to potassium, bananas contain many other nutritional qualities, other minerals and vitamins. We can say that bananas have the full right to enter our diet with a lot of red carpet and without being consumed in excess, they are a panacea for our psychophysical well-being.

Eating bananas: all the nutritional properties

Bananas have a high potassium content, as we have already anticipated, which according to experts reduces the possibility of contracting kidney cancer. The presence of phytosterols facilitates the expulsion of feces and prevents the accumulation of harmful substances in the body such as a high presence of bad cholesterol.

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This function is essential to ensure the well-being of the digestive tract, as it is stimulated to synthesize foods and eliminate them as soon as they are not necessary for our nutritional intake. A lower presence of cholesterol also means a regular blood flow and not hindered by plaques that block the arteries.

To the many qualities of bananas we can add that of improving mood, recharging energy and replenishing a good amount of iron, so useful for oxygenating tissues and organs. Despite the calorie intake, eating bananas makes us lose weight because the fibers fight water retention and burn fat.

The color changes of bananas

When bananas are unripe, they have a yellow-green color. When they become mature they take on the characteristic yellow color with black spots. Evolution occurs as a result of the alteration of starch by enzymes. The starch is transformed into simple sugar and the banana becomes more digestible. On the other hand, however, it loses some micronutrients.

However, it has been shown that once the banana is ripe it forms antioxidants and anticarcinogenic substances that are a real cure-all in our health. But increasing starch also increases sugars and this is not healthy for those on a low calorie diet. Especially in the case of diabetes or hyperglycemia. In the latter case it is better to prefer unripe bananas. In both cases, however, bananas are essential for our well-being and must be consumed at least 3 or 4 times a week to get the right dose of potassium.

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