Home » During painful and heavy menstrual flow, here’s what to eat and drink to decrease symptoms and not gain weight

During painful and heavy menstrual flow, here’s what to eat and drink to decrease symptoms and not gain weight

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During painful and heavy menstrual flow, here’s what to eat and drink to decrease symptoms and not gain weight

In a woman’s life, puberty is characterized by a series of obvious physical changes, the body begins to transform and menstruation arrives. A very particular and delicate moment, where we are no longer little girls, often accompanied by justified anxieties. At first there is a bit of discomfort in managing this new “phenomenon”, until it becomes a completely normal event.

The days of the menstrual flow can vary and last from 2 to 7 days, with more or less abundant blood loss. The intervals between one menstruation and the next, if regular, should be between 23 and 35 days. In some cases the pains we may feel are mild and bearable, but other times we can’t even get out of bed.

During painful and heavy menstrual flow, here’s what to eat and drink to decrease symptoms and not gain weight

The flow could also be particularly copious and often triggers an inexplicable hunger. In those days, in fact, in addition to being hungry and a fairly fluctuating mood, due to hormones, our belly is also swollen.

Although it might seem strange, some eating habits could help us reduce the symptoms and give us a little relief. First of all we shouldn’t underestimate proper hydration, in fact we should drink more than 2 liters of water. In this way we could avoid any headaches and avoid that annoying feeling of a swollen belly. For this it would be ideal to eat foods rich in water, such as, for example, cucumber and watermelon.

During painful and heavy menstrual flow, a decrease in iron may occur, which could cause fatigue and tiredness. Hence, green leafy vegetables, such as spinach, Brussels sprouts, Swiss chard, watercress, which also contain magnesium, may help. Ginger root or turmeric, natural anti-inflammatories, could relieve cramps. We enrich salads or prepare a delicate infusion with these ingredients, without exaggerating with the quantities.

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Other useful foods

We load up on omega 3 fatty acids with fresh and healthy oily fish, rich in iron, to counteract pain and mood swings. In addition to being good, they are not particularly fat and are ideal for keeping the figure. We also put on the table white meat, highly satiating, It would reduce, in fact, that sense of excessive hunger that could lead us to overeat. Alternatively, legumes, such as beans and lentils, rich in protein and iron, such as quinoa, which gives the right amount of energy, will do well.

To counteract the symptoms and savor something greedy, dark chocolate is the right compromise, also to avoid the risk of gaining weight with too sugary and caloric foods. Alternatively, we munch on dried fruit, especially walnuts, which thanks to the vitamins contained could help you feel less pain.

Recommended reading

Widespread pain in the muscles and bones, insomnia and memory problems could be symptoms associated with this disorder

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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