Home » Eat soy every day: what happens to the body

Eat soy every day: what happens to the body

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Eat soy every day: what happens to the body

If a person eats soy every day what are the effects on the body? Let’s find out in detail.

Soia (Pixabay)

The soy is an annual herbaceous plant of the Fabaceae family. It originated in East Asia, but is now grown all over the world for food. The plant can reach up to one meter in height, is erect and covered with bristly hair (originally it was called, in fact, bristly soy). The part that is used for food are its seeds.

These are rich in beneficial properties for ours salute. Hence, experts always recommend including foods such as soy in your diet. Of course, this product is processed and for this the experts want to point out that it is better to take less processed products as possible. If you are not allergic to soy or have no thyroid problems, it is always a good food choice.

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It can be taken with tofu or soy milk. It can be taken through other products, but it is important to clarify the nutrients it has and on benefits that it can bring to our body, by eating one or two portions every day.

Soy: the benefits for the body if taken every day

soy and protein
Cinnamon Soy Milk (Unsplash)

I semi of this plant really contain a lot of nutrients. We are talking about B vitamins, mineral salts such as iron and potassium. In addition, it contains a lot of fiber, protein and “good” fats. The benefits it can give to your health are as follows:

  • Prevents the diabetes and check the glycemia: soy is one of the foods with the lowest glycemic index, this means that it does not increase blood sugar. Hence, it is recommended for diabetics and for those who tend to have high blood sugar;
  • Decreases the level by cholesterol: increases the excretion of bile by promoting the elimination of cholesterol from the body;
  • Reduces the risk cardiovascular: it seems to be able to improve blood circulation and prevent the formation of clots;
  • Helps with the symptoms of menopause: good news for women, the bioactive components of soy allow you to face this phase with less discomfort. In fact, it reduces the main symptoms such as headache, hot flashes, mood changes and sweating;
  • It prevents some illnesses: we have already talked about diabetes, heart health, but we must also mention the prevention of diseases such as cancer and osteoporosis;
  • Check the weight: fibers are very useful for increasing the functionality of the intestine, for the sense of satiety and for decreasing the number of triglycerides.
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As you have seen, the benefits of taking soy every day, through different foods, are there and are many. We would like to say that these are the conclusions of several studies on the subject. Of course it is necessary to rely on a nutritionist. Not everyone can eat soy and it is important to assess health first in order to get a complete picture and build an adequate diet.

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