Home » Even with these health problems and diseases it is possible to retire earlier without cuts

Even with these health problems and diseases it is possible to retire earlier without cuts

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As you approach retirement age, your health conditions may worsen with the onset of certain diseases. When the first symptoms appear, it becomes more and more tiring to go to work and keep up with the pace of daily commitments. On the other hand, if you do not yet meet the social security and social security requirements for the old-age pension, it is not always possible to withdraw from the service.

In addition, any losses on the retirement allowance must also be taken into account. We remind you, in fact, that those who anticipate retirement from 1 to 5 years suffer these cuts on the monthly rate. And therefore leaving employment a few years in advance could have long and short term economic costs.

But those living with chronic diseases that compromise the quality of daily life could choose the early retirement option. And this is because even with these health problems and diseases it is possible to retire earlier without cuts. By way of example, our consultants have indicated how much pension a worker with 20 years of INPS contributions takes at 64 years of age. And it is also advisable to get adequate information on the concessions and economic aid that the Government guarantees to those affected by specific disorders. Perhaps not everyone knows that even with these chronic diseases, disability allowances are obtained from the INPS. And that if the Legal Commission of the local health care company recognizes a state of disability, the right to an advance pension matures.

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Even with these health problems and diseases it is possible to retire earlier without cuts

Currently, precisely because of the Covid-19 epidemic, it has become more risky to go to work for those suffering from certain diseases. The 60-year-old worker with 39 years of contributory seniority can therefore apply for an early retirement pension.

On the other hand, those who have a lower contribution amount can retire with 20 years of contributions at 56 if a woman and 61 if a man. However, this pension entails the recognition of a civil disability equal to or greater than 80%. Furthermore, public employees and self-employed workers cannot request it, but private sector employees.

In addition, according to the provisions of Legislative Decree 222/1984, it is necessary to obtain pensionable invalidity. This is equivalent to saying that a general condition of disability is not enough. But it should be remembered that there are several chronic diseases that are included in the list of invalidating states to which the INPS Commission recognizes rates of disability.

For example, subjects suffering from oncological pathologies who undergo chemotherapy treatments can obtain a disability of more than 74%. In the same way, workers suffering from mental disorders such as major depression or panic attacks can apply for a pension advance.

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