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everything no one says, that’s the truth

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everything no one says, that’s the truth

What is the relationship between cholesterol and coffee? Some people doubt the correlation is dangerous – let’s see what the experts say. Coffee is a very popular drink especially in the morning as soon as you wake up because it provides us with that quid of energy we need to reconnect with the world. On the other hand, there are those who argue that the drink is not very healthy and that the “awakening” effect generated is false and not very nutritional.

Yet the coffee preparation ritual is something magical that dates back to the dawn of time. Without considering its aroma which is dispersed in home environments and which gives a feeling of comfortable affection. It is no coincidence that Erri de Luca, the writer of Neapolitan origins, said about coffee: “A coffee pot on the stove is enough to fill a room”.

But what is worrying is the quantity and the correlation between cholesterol and coffee. If it is true that a cup of coffee drunk in the morning does not bring any digestive problems, what happens if we exceed the doses? In this sense, various medical studies were born which agreed towards a single and definitive answer.

Cholesterol and coffee: a pairing to avoid?

Despite the vicissitudes of life and the habit of always receiving bad news, this time we are happy to give you some pleasant news. Scientific studies carried out in every corner of the globe and in different historical periods all agree that there is no problem in the correlation of cholesterol and coffee. So, if you gave up the drink because you had some doubts about it, you can go back to consuming your cup.

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In particular, we want to resort to the latest study made by the GISSI agency, a specific association that deals with detecting the relationships between the circulatory system and habits and lifestyles. The Italian Group for the Study of Survival in Myocardial Infarction found that regular and not excessive consumption of coffee does not increase cardiovascular risk.

The risk is limited by the presence of antioxidants, substances that contribute to improving and forming new cells within our body. For this reason they also effectively block the effect of oxidative stress. Furthermore, the presence of chlorogenic acids seems to carry out a preventive action for debilitating diseases such as diabetes.

The risks of Turkish coffee

If on the one hand the coffee made with the mocha, with the machine and the American one has not found any danger in medical studies, another type of coffee has been found to be harmful. We are talking about Turkish coffee which is made through a procedure that has been found to be harmful to our body.

In Turkey it is customary to boil the coffee beans for about 10 minutes and then serve the hot drink. This type of procedure, however, creates two substances, cafestol and cafeol that interfere with cholesterol levels, causing it to rise. But those who love Italian coffee need not worry: they can continue to consume their coffee perhaps singing a beautiful Italian song, derived from the good humor and cheerfulness of the beginning of the day.

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