Home » Extraordinary this antioxidant plant that lowers blood sugar and protects the heart from diabetes

Extraordinary this antioxidant plant that lowers blood sugar and protects the heart from diabetes

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Diabetes affects an ever-increasing number of people, so much so that it represents a socio-health emergency also due to the serious consequences it can entail. In fact, there is talk of complications to damage to the nervous, cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, kidney and retina systems. Among the main causes of this disease, in addition to genetic factors, sedentary life and poor nutrition are certainly included. It is a chronic disease caused by excess glucose in the blood, the so-called hyperglycemia. This is why those suffering from diabetes must control their blood sugar, following a balanced diet, also integrated with products that can keep it at bay. Such as this type of water that few drink but is excellent for fighting high blood sugar and diabetes.

In most cases, diabetes is treated pharmacologically, but many studies are constantly looking for natural elements that can fight it. More and more plants are being discovered that thanks to their properties can even protect against the serious complications it can bring. And according to recent discoveries, this antioxidant plant that lowers blood sugar and protects the heart from diabetes seems extraordinary. This is in particular the Moringa Oleifera plant, native to eastern India, also known as a plant that purifies thanks to its seeds. These are in fact used as real water purifiers, as they are capable of capturing the bacteria contained in it. Today we will deepen its antioxidant capabilities as illustrated about a vegetable rich in antioxidant properties and source of vitamins C and K.

Extraordinary this antioxidant plant that lowers blood sugar and protects the heart from diabetes

This plant has incredible nutritional properties for men and hypoglycemic effects, thanks to the high concentration of vitamins and antioxidants in its leaves. It could, therefore, be used preventively to lower blood glucose levels. Furthermore, according to a recent study, it could become very effective in combating coronary atherosclerosis resulting from diabetes. Excess blood sugar along with high triglyceride and cholesterol values ​​can lead to atherosclerosis, which is the formation of plaques on the walls of the arteries.

In diabetic subjects, in fact, the excess of sugars leads to alterations of the metabolism, facilitating its formation. Various studies have shown how the extracts of leaves and seeds of moringa oleifera have an important antioxidant activity. In particular, in this research, it has been shown that its extracts perform a function of real “scavengers” of free radicals. They also significantly attenuated the abnormal proliferation of vascular smooth muscle cells, decreasing the damage produced by the complications of diabetes. Therefore, this plant thanks to its important antioxidant activities could become an excellent natural ally in the prevention of atherosclerosis caused by diabetes.

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