Home » Few people know that always frozen hands and feet could be the alarm bell of this disease

Few people know that always frozen hands and feet could be the alarm bell of this disease

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It would be completely unnatural not to get cold from time to time, especially when temperatures drop, it’s intuitive. However, for some people it seems that the sensation of cold hands and feet is a fairly common condition for much of the year. Also in this case, it is not necessary to bandage the head before breaking it but in any case it could be good practice to deepen.

In fact, the causes could be multiple and dictated by momentary states of the body, but in others they could be linked to some disorders, pathologies and diseases.

Numerous causes

The condition of those who often feel cold is called hypersensitivity to cold and there are many causes to which it could be linked. For example, one could be an ongoing infection which, by putting the body under strain to fight it, burns more energy.

In other cases it could be due to some poor circulation problems, one of which is called Rayanaud’s disease. In the presence of this disease, the blood vessels widen and tighten episodically, causing a sensation of cold in the terminal part of the limbs.

The cause that we will treat, however, may initially be without symptoms but as the situation worsens, these may appear.

Few people know that always frozen hands and feet could be the alarm bell of this disease

We are talking about anemia, a disease for which the quantity of red blood cells is not sufficient to adequately oxygenate the tissues and organs of the body. There would be several causes for which anemia can occur, linked to genetic defects (sickle cell anemia) or in relation to the lack of some vitamins and minerals. Few people know that always frozen hands and feet could be the alarm bell of this disease, especially if in the presence of further symptoms.

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These include fatigue, breathlessness, irregular heartbeat, headache and cognitive problems.

Is it possible to prevent it?

In some forms, anemia is not preventable through lifestyle. However, it is possible to reduce the risks of developing it by means of some dietary measures.

This includes a diet rich in folic acid, found in many legumes and dark leafy vegetables, and vitamin B12 found in meat and dairy products. Furthermore, as pointed out by Humanitas, iron, a mineral that can be integrated through a diet of cereals, legumes, meat and dark leafy vegetables, is useful against the development of the disease.

Finally, a suggestion is to combine the diet with foods containing vitamin C which would favor the assimilation of iron by the body.


In any case, when it comes to medical issues, we cannot proceed apathetically and in an approximate way. In the presence of symptoms, or even just doubts, contact a doctor for the answers and any more suitable therapy.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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