Home » Few people know that this juice is good for cholesterol and high blood pressure

Few people know that this juice is good for cholesterol and high blood pressure

by admin

High blood pressure and cholesterol are among the main risk factors in the development of cardiovascular disease.

If we have high cholesterol it means that its levels contained in our blood are higher than normal.

Hypertension, on the other hand, occurs when the force of the blood pushing against the walls of the blood vessels is constantly high.

Cholesterol can be kept under control simply through a balanced diet, by reducing the consumption of foods such as fatty cheeses and cured meats.

It is equally important to change your lifestyle, practicing physical activity and giving up alcohol and smoking.

Few people know that this juice is good for cholesterol and high blood pressure

Surprisingly, tomato juice is an incredible ally for controlling cholesterol and high blood pressure.

This was revealed by research published in the journal Food Science Nutrition, underlining the beneficial effects of this product.

Obviously, it must not be salty, to ensure the beneficial effects on the heart, even reducing the level of LDL cholesterol and blood pressure.

The tomato, which is rich in nutritional properties, keeps bioactive compounds in its pulp such as lycopene which protects the body from cardiovascular diseases.

In fact, the tomato is a detoxifying food that hinders the formation of cholesterol plaques along the walls of the arteries.

For this reason it can help us reduce blood pressure and, in the meantime, allows us to purify the body in a simple and economical way.

Few people know that this juice is a cure-all for cholesterol and high blood pressure, it only takes a few minutes to prepare this extraordinary drink.

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This drink is very simple and quick to prepare at home, just use a few ingredients that we probably already have in the pantry.

We take ripe tomatoes, about three drops of lemon and black pepper to sprinkle at will.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted who”)

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