Home » Fitlosophia: 5 fitness and resilience disciplines to train (above all) the soul

Fitlosophia: 5 fitness and resilience disciplines to train (above all) the soul

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Good resolutions for the future: do not underestimate the consequences of fitness on the overall well-being of the person. After the boom of the yoga and of meditation, more and more Italians are looking for new disciplines that help fight anxiety and stress, strengthening our ability to express our potential to the maximum.

If until recently the main variation of fitness was physical, now the fact that motor activity has important implications also on the psyche.

Today, more than ever, the aim is to achieve all-round benefits by going to the gym, or training at home, and more and more new disciplines who aim to take care not only of muscles and physical fitness, but also of the soul to promote a well-being that leads to face life with determination, firmness and resilience (concept that we have come to know well by now).

People often go to gyms to be in shape, but also to release accumulated tension and feel better. Sport and physical activity are therefore a tool.

Learn techniques and ways to restore balance, conquering serenity and maintaining a positive approach in every moment of your life – even when you are not exercising – is the ultimate goal of fitness combined with resilience.

After all, even in health care there is a tendency to favor more and more a holistic approach, which takes into consideration the individual as a whole, at 360 degrees: body and mind, matter and soul.

So too is fitness, given up the role of mere discipline linked to muscles and to calorie expenditure with a view to slimming, it merges more and more with typical aspects of oriental techniques, which have always been oriented towards the well-being of the organism as a whole.

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So if the saying is true A sound mind in a sound body, it is increasingly true that the mind must also be trained and considered fundamental for all the activities we carry out, including the physical ones.

With this in mind, Urban Sports Club, the application that gives you access to more than 10,000 fitness and sports centers in 6 countries in Europe, has compiled the top 5 of the disciplines able to improve not only our physical performance, but also the mental strength necessary to give the best in every situation.

Discover them below.


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