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Flu peak, sick children, pediatricians in trouble

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Flu peak, sick children, pediatricians in trouble

VirusMezzabotta: «In one day even a hundred calls. But that’s right, you don’t have to take them to the hospital ». Pangrazzi: “They don’t have to go back to school right away”

It’s a flu epidemic like we haven’t seen for a long time, the one affecting Lombardy, and, likewise, the province of Sondrio.

The data contained in the latest epidemiological report by Influnet, the Italian influenza surveillance network released last Friday and referred to the week from 21 to 27 November, is illuminating, which gives Lombardy, in pole position, with Emilia Romagna and Umbria, for incidence of the disease per 1000 inhabitants.

There is talk of 5,427 cases reported by 222 sentinel doctors, equal to 17.80 cases per 1000 inhabitants, with a peak incidence, even, equal to 48.10 among children aged 0 to 4 years, and 27.76 in the range 5-14 years. On the other hand, the incidence drops to 14.73 in the 15-64 age group, and we are at 7.39 in the over 65s who are also, let us remember, the most protected because they are more inclined to be vaccinated.

This is the photograph based on the latest data, among the worst in Italy, and the confirmation of how much pressure the health system is, and how busy families are in taking care of their children in particular, also comes from the pediatricians of family from the province of Sondrio.

«It is undeniable that the flu arrived earlier than expected this year because usually the first cases occur around Christmas or immediately after – says Nella Mezzabotta, family pediatrician in Sondrio and Influnet sentinel doctor -. Instead, in the last 15 days we have seen several cases of high fever, with headaches and definitely flu symptoms and just yesterday I received confirmation from the institute of virology to which I sent the first swab that it was flu. So there is no doubt that we are in full flu peak and suffice it to say that last week I reported 30 cases to Influnet against 0-3 in the previous weeks ».

It follows that the network of pediatricians in the province of Sondrio, as well as the pediatric hospital emergency room of the capital, are under stress. Because parents alarmed by very high fever peaks, by insistent coughs, by headaches, which also affect very young children, are clearly alarmed and often do not feel like waiting for their pediatrician’s response and go directly to the Emergency Department .

What to do

«It is essential to trust your doctor – Mezzabotta recalls -, because we are here. Obviously, the request is incessant, the phone rings all the time, especially on Mondays, suffice it to say that at the beginning of the week I personally answered 30 calls, as many were answered by my secretary and in the afternoon I saw about twenty children, and my daughter who is a pediatrician in Bormio did the same. However, the invitation to parents is to trust your doctor and not rush to the emergency room immediately ».

The risk is that of worsening the clinical picture of the child, causing him to catch cold, taking him to a place where other viruses can circulate, and where perhaps it is necessary to stay even for a long time to be examined due to the flooding of the health system which risks, during periods of point, to twist on itself.

“Another crucial aspect – recalls Carmen Pangrazzi, pediatrician in Grosotto and Tirano – lies in the need to observe a period of convalescence after the disappearance of acute symptoms”.

«Because, unfortunately – adds the doctor -, this is almost never done and we continue to see children who have already had the peak of high fever, cough, headache, everything and who as soon as the symptoms pass are postponed in kindergarten, at school, doing sports, be it soccer, swimming and so on. It is undisputed that they get sick again immediately. Our immune system takes three weeks to reposition itself to standard levels. Of course, the children cannot stay for three weeks, but for a few days, to play at home, when they are free from fever, that is true».

Pangrazzi invites parents to collaborate, from this point of view, given that the system is already on the verge of default.

«We can’t take it anymore – he assures -. For 20 days we have been dealing with flu, strep and scarlet fever, in the studio from 9 in the morning to 9 in the evening. We need everyone’s cooperation.”

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