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Headaches, dizziness, and muscle weakness in the legs and arms could be signs of this particular condition

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Headaches, dizziness, and muscle weakness in the legs and arms could be signs of this particular condition

It happens to everyone to experience states of discomfort and pain. Sometimes they would not be symptomatic of particular and worrying situations, other times they could signal health problems that are unknown to us.

There could be many sensations to be able to grasp because they signal as many disturbances. Some symptoms could then be common to various pathologies, so it would be essential to always inquire and investigate thoroughly through a medical consultation. Even when our feelings seem to be trivial, it is better not to let your guard down.

Often we might think they are due to simple periods of stress and shortness of breath.

This could happen in case of tiredness, sleepiness and mental confusion, but also when we experience headaches, dizziness and muscle weakness. However, it would be better not to reach easy conclusions because these manifestations could also indicate a disease of the nervous system.

A malformation of the nervous system

There is a rare and little known disease that affects the nervous system, it is a malformation, called Chiari malformation. Specifically, it would affect the posterior part of the skull, the cerebellum and the brainstem. Parts of the cerebellum would be located not in the usual position but in the hole between the skull and the spinal canal.

This malformation could be latent and not perceived, but it could also manifest itself through some symptoms. First of all a severe headache in the back area, which would affect movements such as sneezing, coughing, bending or straining. The pain would also involve the neck as well as arms and legs which would be numb. Sufferers of this condition may experience muscle weakness and dizziness and difficulty in balancing.

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The malformation could also cause mood changes, insomnia, swallowing, vision and hearing problems.

Headaches, dizziness, and muscle weakness in the legs and arms could be signs of this particular condition

The causes of the Chiari malformation are not yet fully known. It would probably depend on genetic reasons, as well as being a consequence of other pathologies. Diagnosis of this disease occurs by undergoing a nuclear magnetic resonance. The severity of the disease could vary from person to person, it must be said that it would not be considered a fatal disease.

The cure would depend on the individual situations. Where there are no complaints, there may be no need for treatment. If they are present, the doctor will evaluate the possibility of giving painkillers to calm them.

In certain cases, surgery may be required, specifically if there is an increase in fluid surrounding the spinal cord and brain. The operation would in fact allow to reduce the pressure exerted by the liquid.

Recommended reading

Short-term memory loss could result from this disorder due to a particular vitamin deficiency

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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