Home » Heaviness in the legs, night cramps and itching would be 3 clear symptoms of this circulatory system disorder

Heaviness in the legs, night cramps and itching would be 3 clear symptoms of this circulatory system disorder

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Heaviness in the legs, night cramps and itching would be 3 clear symptoms of this circulatory system disorder

After a day spent on your feet, perhaps at work or among the many commitments of the day, it happens to have particularly tired legs.

We feel them heavy, hard and often swollen and sometimes it happens that the discomfort worsens during the night with the arrival of cramps.

These problems can be linked to a pathology of the circulatory system.

Basically, the blood must go up from the periphery of our body, therefore from the legs, towards the heart. This path takes place inside the veins. However, if the venous walls are not elastic or the valves are not working properly, the blood will not flow back up to the heart properly.

This could cause the typical varicose veins, also called varices, to appear. These are bulges that appear mainly in the calf area and are usually colored blue or purple.

Here is who is most predisposed to this problem

In addition to age, which certainly affects the problem, it must be emphasized that sedentary life could also exacerbate this situation.

Little or virtually no movement combined with heavy body weight could cause the problem. Furthermore, we remind you that varicose veins mainly affect people of the female sex and genetically predisposed to this eventuality.

Heaviness in the legs, night cramps and itching would be 3 clear symptoms of this circulatory system disorder

In addition to being visible, varicose veins are also felt for the pain and discomfort they could cause.

Humanitas, in fact, underlines that one of the most typical sensations of those suffering from varicose veins is to feel a pain in the legs.

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The periphery of our body, therefore, appears heavier and the lower limbs can even itch, especially in the area affected by the varice.

In addition, the skin of the legs, in correspondence with the swelling, will pull, eventually creating a burning sensation. Up to one of the biggest annoyances, cramps, or those sudden muscle contractions that can cause a lot of pain.

To counteract cramps, we could try this excellent table salt, which would prove very useful in similar cases. Heaviness in the legs, nocturnal cramps and itching, therefore, are the most typical pains of this very common pathology.

Beware of this mistake which would increase the risk of varicose veins

Among the various factors that could affect the problem, there is also the habit of always wearing high heels. Especially if worn too often, or for an extended period of time, heels can strain the circulatory system. This could cause problems, such as that of varicose veins.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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