Home » Here are the foods that would lower bad cholesterol, science says

Here are the foods that would lower bad cholesterol, science says

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Bad cholesterol is one of the torments of so many people today. When blood tests show that your blood cholesterol level is too high, you need to start taking precautions right away.

Many people, in fact, take a pill every day to try to contain this enemy. The problem is that drug treatment alone does not achieve the best effects if it is not supported by something else as well. We are talking, of course, about nutrition.

Nutrition plays a key role in our health, including cholesterol levels. It is well known, in fact, that some foods could cause damage to our body, such as these 3 foods to avoid to prevent heart attacks and strokes.

On the contrary, however, there are many foods that would be very good for our body. Some of these, even, would be able to lower blood cholesterol levels. We are not just talking about vegetables, as everyone might think. Let’s find out what these foods are.

Here are the foods that would lower bad cholesterol, science says

Humanitas Research Hospital describes a sort of list of foods that would be most beneficial for patients with high cholesterol.

In particular, we should prefer some foods and eliminate others.

Green light to these foods

Among the foods that would help to counteract high cholesterol levels, we find vegetables, legumes and cereals. Vegetables, in particular, would provide a good amount of fiber and should always be present on our table. Let us remember, in fact, that the ideal would be to consume 2 or 3 portions a day, plus 2 of fruit.

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Specialists also recommend consuming legumes 2 to 4 times each week. Space, as we have said, also for cereals, preferring wholemeal ones to refined ones, therefore wholemeal pasta, bread and rice.

Cereals such as barley and spelled are also excellent, excellent to be consumed in hot soups or cold salads.

Beware of these ingredients that we often abuse

The oil is right that it is present in our diet, but it must be of good quality and in measured doses.

We also pay attention to lard, butter and lard, which should be avoided altogether. Moreover, few people know it but this beloved dressing is totally cholesterol-free and has very few calories.

We also pay attention to cooking, preferring grilled or boiled foods and avoiding fried foods.

Eyes on meat and fish

Fish is a very good food and, for this reason, it should be the protagonist of our tables 2 or 3 times a week. Pay attention, however, to the fish we choose and do not abuse molluscs and crustaceans.

The meat, on the other hand, should come from lean cuts, always remembering to eliminate excess fat and skin. So, here are the foods that would lower bad cholesterol, science says.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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