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here are which ones to avoid, very serious risks – Libero Quotidiano

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In 2020 Italy reported to the European Union 297 reports of contaminated food, almost one a day. In eight out of ten cases they concerned products imported from countries where our safety and control standards are not respected. The “black list” was drawn up by Coldiretti. At the top of the list are the sesame seeds that are used as a garnish in salads or sushi rolls. Those from India often contain ethylene oxide, recorded in 296 cases. He writes it on Newspaper.

Tomato with pesticides, 821 tons seized and arrests: Serious health risks, the product to be avoided

Then there is the Polish chicken meat, which in 273 samples analyzed contained the salmonella bacterium and vegetables imported from Turkey, full of pesticides banned in our country. Food from Poland and Turkey were the protagonists of 10 percent of food alarms in our country. Alarm also for black pepper which comes from Brazil and due to aflatoxins present in Turkish dried fruit, figs and pistachios and peanuts from the USA and Argentina and French oysters, the norovirus that triggers gastroenteritis has been discovered.

Avocado with pesticide, enormous health risks: alarm from the ministry, the product to avoid

“It is necessary to ensure that imports of products from third countries respect the same social, health and environmental standards as Italian and European products”, commented the president of Coldiretti, Ettore Prandini. 87 percent of Italians, according to a survey by Censis and Coldiretti, it is for “the prohibition of entry into national markets of products from countries without social, safety and health rules similar to those of Italy and the EU”. In short, among the foods most loved by Italians like fruit, vegetables, meat and crustaceans and seeds the risk that they can be harmful is always risky.

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