Home » Here is the best time to eat to deflate the belly and eliminate intestinal gas

Here is the best time to eat to deflate the belly and eliminate intestinal gas

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Malfunctioning of the intestine has a strong impact on the quality of life. Visceral pains, digestive difficulties and irritable mood are just some aspects of a less than optimal physiological condition. Disorders such as abdominal bloating or constipation could be connected to habits not attentive to the physiological rhythms of the body. In these cases we speak of circadian rhythms and below we discover the influence they exert on the proper functioning of the organism. Here is the best time to eat to deflate the belly and eliminate intestinal gas favoring a good digestive activity.

What are circadian rhythms and how they affect our health

When we talk about circadian cycles we refer to that sort of internal biological clock that each of us has. It follows the alternation of day and night by regulating body functions such as temperature, sleep-wake, hunger, heart rate and much more. This cycle has assumed such importance in research that in 2017 three American scientists were awarded the Nobel Prize for medicine. In fact, we owe them the discovery of the molecular mechanism that underlies this rhythmic regulation. As many studies show, the alteration of a similar and complex rhythmic system could have repercussions on the health of the person.

Here is the best time to eat to deflate the belly and eliminate intestinal gas

A recent review has collected the data of numerous scientific studies showing how the good functioning of the gastrointestinal system is also connected to the circadian rhythm. The shifting of feeding times at certain times of the day, such as at night, could alter numerous mechanisms. This is because in these hours the activity of the intestine decreases as it should rest. Gastric and pancreatic secretions, enzymatic activity and intestinal motility are literally high in people who do not follow circadian rhythms. A phenomenon often familiar to those who work shifts or experience the phenomenon of jat-lag. In such conditions the intestinal motility could undergo strong alterations. The main complaints that occur can be constipation, difficulty in evacuation and digestion in general.

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Some hormones and genes in the body are particularly sensitive to the alternation of light and dark. For this reason it is useful to have meals at specific times, avoiding snacks and binges at night or after hours. We have provided a further example in the article “The perfect time to dine without gaining weight and keeping blood sugar and bad cholesterol levels low”.

It is preferable to organize meals in such a way as to guarantee the three main ones, namely breakfast, lunch and dinner, together with a mid-morning and one mid-afternoon snack. It is also better not to postpone the dinner time excessively by following some precautions presented in the text: “Those who cannot digest well in the evening are probably making these 3 mistakes”. In these cases it is always useful to ask your doctor or specialist for advice on a meal plan suited to your needs and requirements.


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(We remind you to carefully read the warnings regarding this article, which can be consulted WHO”)

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