Home » Here is the bowel-friendly vegetable that would help prevent cancer and regulate cholesterol

Here is the bowel-friendly vegetable that would help prevent cancer and regulate cholesterol

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The continuous succession of the seasons always brings to the table new foods about which, by deepening the research, we could learn a lot.

In fact, it is not the first time that we have highlighted some qualities of common foods that are not always known to everyone. On the subject of autumn foods, for example, here is the extraordinary seasonal citrus fruit rich in antioxidants that could rejuvenate skin and cartilage.

Instead, what we will discuss today is a vegetable that we can find on food banks from now until spring, of which we will describe the properties and how to cook it.

So, let’s not waste time and find out how much good the artichoke can offer us.

An ancient vegetable

The origins of the artichoke are debated among the ancient cultures between Egypt and Rome and it seems that it was brought to Europe by the Arab populations.

A raw artichoke provides 47 calories for every 100 g of product and boasts an abundant amount of vitamins and antioxidants that promote the functionality of the body.

Furthermore, as reported by Humanitas, the artichoke is rich in vegetable fibers that favor intestinal transit and seem to reduce the risk of cancer.

Together with the high quantity of fibers, then, the lactone sesquiterpenes and the cinerine inside it help regulate blood cholesterol levels.

Here is the bowel-friendly vegetable that would help prevent cancer and regulate cholesterol

Finally, as mentioned above, the artichoke is a veritable mine of health-friendly vitamins. Among these, vitamin K, which aids brain and bone health, deserves special mention. While the mineral levels contained in the artichoke, especially copper, iron and potassium, could help the cardiovascular system.

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Don’t be afraid of artichoke scraps

Generally the artichoke is a very feared vegetable in the kitchen because it tends to remain hard and fibrous, a result that can be modified with some care.

We will propose a very simple cooking method that does not include fat and will guarantee a soft and melting artichoke. Small premise: it is completely normal that the artichoke produces a lot of waste but eliminating them will be necessary for a good result.

How to cook it

We will have to remove the stem, leaving just 3-4 centimeters on the vegetable and depriving it of the harder outer part. The same thing must be done with the petals that must be removed until the white part is reached which will be the signal that we can stop.

Eliminate the top of the artichoke for about 2 cm and pass them in water and lemon to prevent them from blackening.

At this point, put them upside down in a saucepan with 2 fingers of water, salt and a bay leaf, and cover by cooking for 15 minutes.

At the end of cooking, the artichokes will be cooked in their own water, making them very soft but still tasty.

Due precautions

In conclusion, we remind you that the properties of the artichoke described so far remain valid but a medical consultation is always necessary. In fact, artichokes could conflict with some antidiuretics.

Here is the bowel-friendly vegetable that would help prevent cancer and regulate cholesterol.


More than red meat and dairy, this is the killer food that triggers colon cancer

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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