Home » How much triglycerides should be after age 40 to avoid fatty liver and pancreatic inflammation

How much triglycerides should be after age 40 to avoid fatty liver and pancreatic inflammation

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Even before middle age, many of us find ourselves having to repair the damage of an unhealthy lifestyle. Not everyone pays attention to the quality and quantity of the foods they consume on a daily basis. And even more numerous are those who declare that they have no time to devote to sports or simple physical activities such as walking. This often leads to the accumulation of fats that the body and, in particular, the liver cannot dispose of. Additionally, high triglyceride values ​​usually go hand in hand with high LDL cholesterol levels. And we remind readers that these 3 symptoms at 50 reveal that bad cholesterol is high.

In cases of hypercholesterolemia, as well as hypertriglyceridemia, you should contact your doctor to evaluate any drug therapy. Our consultants have indicated at what age and with what bad cholesterol values ​​statins or lipid-lowering drugs should be taken. Now, instead, let’s evaluate how much triglycerides must be after the age of 40 to avoid fatty liver and pancreatic inflammation.

In fact, it should be borne in mind that excess fat accumulates in the liver cells, which the body cannot get rid of. As well as when the number of triglycerides rises dramatically the risk of developing pancreatitis increases. But already by changing some daily habits you could prevent the onset of similar pathologies. It would therefore be ideal to exercise regularly, limit fats, alcohol, sugars, red meat and dairy products. It would be even better to rely on the expertise of a nutritionist to understand which foods to include in the diet. And for example to understand that although we eat them often we should not because these 5 fish increase cholesterol and triglycerides.

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How much triglycerides should be after age 40 to avoid fatty liver and pancreatic inflammation

To know the triglyceride values ​​not to be exceeded based on age, consult the ESC / EAS guidelines. According to the most recent updates, values ​​below 150mg / dl are considered normal. But the subjects with a triglyceridemia that oscillates between 150 and 200mg / dl are already at the limit. Therefore, while the optimal values ​​are below 100mg / dl, those between 200 and 400mg / dl are high.

If the level of triglycerides, on the other hand, exceeds 400mg / dl, not only does the risk of pancreatitis increase exponentially, but also of cardiovascular diseases. These values ​​refer to adults, while for children under 10 the normal values ​​are lower than 75mg / dl. For boys up to the age of 19, however, the triglyceride level should not exceed 90mg / dl. In this age group, ranges over 130mg / dl on an empty stomach can already be considered high.

(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the advice of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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