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How to eliminate toxins from the body and rebalance the body

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How to eliminate toxins from the body by purifying the body: 4 effective ways to prevent diseases and infections. The latest research on mycotoxins.

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For some time now, toxins have been part of the environments most frequented by man, such as the home. One of the most toxic elements found in everyone’s homes is mold. It is a microtoxin, invisible to the naked eye, which can cause migraines, poisoning, developmental problems. Let’s see what the toxins more present and how to eliminate them from the body in a natural way.

How to defend yourself from toxins: 4 natural ways to purify the body

The coexistence of man and the toxic elements that surround him is no longer a novelty. Most of the industry indeed it has financed, by virtue of progress, some systems powered by potentially carcinogenic agents come lead, DDT, asbestos. These substances, in addition to causing serious environmental damage, also damage humans and the ecosystem. They are part of the persistent organic pollutants, as they are not degradable in the environment.

(Pinterest, melascrivi.it)

Also heavy metals, produced for example by refineries, are among the persistent polluting compounds considering that they do not dissolve and, over time, are accumulated by the human body. The latest research confirms that high levels of lead in the blood are an indicator of environmental pollution and its translation into chronic diseases. In particular, exposure to lead is considered dangerous during the developmental stage of children more vulnerable and sickly.

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Lead is found everywhere, such as in the peeling paint of some games for example. It has a sweet taste and could be “inviting” on the palate of a child or a newborn. As in this case, many toxic elements that put our health at risk are invisible. One of these is the mold that is now found in everyone’s homes. Behind walls, in air ducts, in fruit or drinking water, it is now part of the human environment.

Whether we want it or not, we are always exposed to harmful elements in the course of our life. They vary according to the diet and lifestyle we lead, greatly affecting our state of health. The good news is that our bodies are almost always capable of safely dispose of chemicals that otherwise could harm us. Let’s see how to eliminate toxins from the body with 4 natural methods and effective.

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1) Check carefully the most frequented environment

Controlling the space you frequent most, such as your home or office, is essential to defuse toxicity where it originates. For example, through an inspection you may notice the presence of mold, heavy metals, pesticides in the air or electromagnetic radiation that could harm you.

2) Enrich the diet

How to eliminate toxins from the body? Simple: just start from the power supply. Enriching your diet with fresh foods, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals is an excellent starting point for counteracting the unwanted effects of toxins on our body.

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how to eliminate toxins
(Pinterest, meteoweek.it)

3) Eliminate waste every day

Another effective and natural way to eliminate toxins from the body is to evacuate waste every day. Whether it is going to the bathroom regularly, urinating and sweating while exercising, these are all functional methods to purify the body. L’physical exercise in fact it is not only useful for losing weight, but also for activating blood circulation, releasing relaxing endorphins, purifying the skin and eliminating excess waste.

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4) Identify the source of the toxins that accumulate in the body

Chocolate, coffee and peanuts, the everyday food, is rich in mytoxins invisible to the naked eye. As well as all foods that contain carbohydrates, refined sugars, could increase the risk of contracting infections and chronic diseases. To eliminate toxins from the body it is therefore good to identify them directly at the source, stopping the consumption of products rich in elements that are toxic to health.

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