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How to lower cholesterol and blood sugar in a short time?

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To reduce cholesterol with natural remedies, that is, without resorting to drugs, it may be useful, together with diet and physical activity, to take red rice supplements. But above all we discover the allied foods of our diet to keep cholesterol and even blood sugar under control.
Why is it important to reduce cholesterol and keep it under control?
Hypercholesterolemia (ie the level of cholesterol in the blood over 240 mg / dl) is a particularly risky pathology, because it is potentially responsible for cardiovascular diseases.
Statistics show, in the last 10 years, a worrying growth of this pathology in both sexes: it affects, in fact, 38% of Italians.
But lowering cholesterol is not impossible: here are some practical tips to tackle the problem with natural remedies and see the first results in a short time.

Cholesterol nutrition: diet, the ally that does not betray!
The most important role in controlling blood cholesterol levels belongs to the diet: favoring foods of plant origin and low in fat is the best prevention against cardiovascular disorders.
However, the importance of a correct lifestyle, which includes movement and regular physical activity, must not be overlooked.
But how to reduce cholesterol with the diet? To begin with, here are the foods to avoid (and we are already halfway there …!)
Saturated vegetable oils
Animal fats (such as butter, cream, lard)
Sausages and offal (such as liver, brain, kidney), which have a high level of saturated fat. With regard to sausages and preserved meats in general, we would like to remind you that it is still advisable not to exceed the dose of 50g per week, even in the absence of hypercholesterolemia.
Whole milk and whole yogurt
Cheeses with a high saturated fat content
Alcoholic beverages (especially when hypercholesterolemia is associated with hypertriglyceridemia)
Simple sugars (such as glucose, sucrose and industrial fructose).
How to eat lemon to lower cholesterol and blood sugar?
To lower cholesterol you can eat the white part of the lemon peel. Those who want to keep blood sugar under control can also grate it into their dishes.
Which foods lower cholesterol?
Artichokes are capable of clearing our arteries of bad cholesterol and at the same time increasing the level of the good one. In this way they help the body to prevent the risk of arteriosclerosis. A scientific study has shown that with 2 grams of dry artichoke extract the levels of bad cholesterol can decrease by 18.5%. All thanks to the caffeilquinic acid which is the active ingredient of the plant. They favor the transformation of cholesterol into bile acids which are eliminated by the body.

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How to lower bad cholesterol naturally
What is best to eat to combat cholesterol? According to experts, the main ally to reduce bad cholesterol (ie LDL) is certainly the Mediterranean diet.
The recommended foods are, therefore: cereals, vegetables and legumes.
To reduce cholesterol and triglycerides, respecting the traditional rule of 5 portions a day of fruit and vegetables, in short, it works!
Which fruit lowers blood sugar?
Almonds are good for those with the diabetes. They reduce the rise in blood sugar and insulin levels after meals. They are an important source of magnesium as well as fiber and protein. Almonds contain more magnesium than other nuts. Some studies suggest that taking magnesium can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Long-term high blood sugar levels can lead to loss of magnesium through urine. With a few almonds a day you have lower levels of fasting insulin and blood sugar.
What are the benefits of lemon?
In the lemon peel there is limonene which appears to have anti-cancer properties. It is also an insecticide with strong degreasing power. The Pinene found in the essential oil has anti-inflammatory and antibiotic properties. Consuming lemon juice with meals can improve digestion. It stimulates the production of gastric juices which are responsible for the digestive process. The boiled peel if drunk at the end of a meal helps against nausea, stomach pain and heaviness that many times are due to large meals. Lemon counteracts the formation of kidney stones. All thanks to the citric acid it contains, which favors its elimination.
What does lemon contain?
Lemon contains a lot of potassium. C is most present among the vitamins. It also contains substances with antioxidant action such as beta-carotene, cryptoxanthin, lutein and zeaxanthin. Other substances that give lemon particular properties are citric acid, limonene and pinenes. These two compounds are contained in the essential oil of lemon and in the peel. Here is what lemon contains in synopsis:

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