Home » In Italy 3.5 million with diabetes, avoiding it is possible – Diabetes

In Italy 3.5 million with diabetes, avoiding it is possible – Diabetes

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In Italy 3.5 million with diabetes, avoiding it is possible – Diabetes

(ANSA) – ROME, APRIL 26 – In Italy one in eighteen Italians is diabetic, one in six among the over-65s, for a total of 3.5 million diabetics, with an increase of about 60% in the last twenty years.

This is what emerges from the book “Type 2 diabetes – an avoidable disease” (Edizioni Lswr), written by a group of researchers from the Mario Negri Institute (and other important Italian institutions) coordinated by Professor Silvio Garattini.

In addition to taking stock of disease and treatments, the text offers preventive strategies to avoid the disease tout court: the three main risk factors, overweight / obesity, must be fought hard; sedentary lifestyle and socioeconomic discomforts.

“The three factors intersect because low-income individuals are also more likely to have bad lifestyles and therefore to eat very caloric food, to pay little attention to health, to have a low tendency to exercise” explains Garattini. “It is also necessary to adapt school programs, from kindergarten to university, to spread good lifestyles – continues the author – In addition, a better redistribution of wealth, which would reduce poverty, should not only reduce diabetes, but also other avoidable chronic diseases, including cancer and senile dementia – and therefore also the costs of the NHS “. Finally, at a regional and local level, it is essential to organize opportunities for physical exercise through the creation of swimming pools, gyms, walking itineraries.

Garattini’s text also addresses the problem of the complications of the disease, and makes a complete examination of the drugs available (from the most traditional to the most recent and which control such complications).

“All the burden of diabetes-related diseases, suffering and costs is avoidable – concludes the research group coordinated by Garattini – The lack of interest in prevention, an activity in conflict of interest with the medicine market, is the basis of the continuous increase in cases of diabetes. A cultural revolution is therefore necessary, a collective awareness – not only of a medical nature – if we want to work in the sense of prevention rather than starting therapies when they are avoidable “. (HANDLE).

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