Home » Increased wrinkles but also dryness of the skin in menopause could depend on the absence of these important foods

Increased wrinkles but also dryness of the skin in menopause could depend on the absence of these important foods

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Increased wrinkles but also dryness of the skin in menopause could depend on the absence of these important foods

It might seem boring and repetitive, yet it is always important to remember how essential the table is in everyday health. Not only for the good of the body in general, but also for our aesthetics. For example, when we explain to our children that eating cucumbers would be good for the skin, they look at us in amazement. Yet, thanks also to the progress of science and researchers, the combination of health and food is increasingly linked. We will go to see in today’s article how important a certain diet can be, especially in women, to keep oneself beautiful. A series of useful suggestions that we turn to our readers, thanks to the consultation of specialists.

When menopause also affects the purity of the face

It is not just children who have to deal with skin impurities. They get angry when the first pimples begin to appear and make fun of each other. Men often wisely hide wrinkles behind their beards. But our wives and mothers, when menopause arrives, start a no-holds-barred aesthetic battle. Let’s see what happens technically and how to try to prevent at the diet level.

Increased wrinkles but also dryness of the skin in menopause could depend on the absence of these important foods

It is quite complicated to explain the process that leads to skin changes in women from menopause onwards. To put it very simply, it is a natural step, linked to the reduction of estrogen production. With effect also on the skin and, in particular on the face and hands. By decreasing ovarian and reproductive functionality, the ability to produce those hormones that would be able to defend the aesthetics of the skin also decreases. The most visible consequence is that of drier and less hydrated skin. Scenario on which wrinkles would wallow without any mercy.

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How important a balanced diet becomes also for the health of the face

Increase in wrinkles but also dryness of the skin in menopause could find a major opponent in the diet that many experts would recommend. And, specifically, we refer to:

  • eat lots of fruit and vegetables, preferably in season;
  • drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day;
  • avoid smoking and excess alcohol;
  • prefer vitamins, fibers and minerals to sugars and fats.

The wealth of water and vitamins together can be found in some specific and healthy foods such as celery, courgettes, asparagus, cauliflower, tomatoes, carrots and all types of salads.


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(The information in this article is for information purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)

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