Home » Is eating aloe vera good for you? This is what happens to our body

Is eating aloe vera good for you? This is what happens to our body

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L’Aloe Vera represents one of the most “sought after” plants on the Internet due to the numerous beneficial effects it can provide in the field of cosmetics and beauty care in general.

This term defines a particular category of plant succulent, that is, those have leaves capable of storing significant quantities of water (for example, theagave). Aloe vera is the best known of the family of Asfodelacee, a type of plant that grows in dry and humid climates, now grown in almost every area of ​​the world.

What’s this?

What we refer to as aloe vera is the “gel” present inside the leaves, with an average firm and fleshy consistency: this transparent substance, since ancient times used both in medicine and for the care of the appearance, qualities that have recently been “Rediscovered” and adopted in the field of herbal medicine but also of food.

The juice is obtained from the plant, as well as the gel, but is it good to eat aloe vera?

Is eating aloe vera good for you? This is what happens to our body

The spread of aloe vera-based supplements has been “blocked” by a European law confirmed in recent months: the incidence of side effects such as nausea and digestive problems, as well as possible carcinogenic causes have stopped the marketing of these products.

It is not recommended to eat aloe vera, i.e. the gel and the plant that encloses it, while the juice provides numerous benefits:

  • It improves digestion, as it is able to regulate the absorption of proteins and vitamins in the best possible way and is able to stem heartburn.
  • It has antiseptic and antibacterial abilities so it helps to improve the immune system
  • Applied on the skin, but also through the juice it maintains invigorating properties for the skin which is hydrated in an excellent way. Also useful in case of chapped and dry skin.
  • Also useful for keeping blood sugar levels at bay
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