Home » It is not known to many that this vitamin D-rich, low-cholesterol cheese could be worth gold for health

It is not known to many that this vitamin D-rich, low-cholesterol cheese could be worth gold for health

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A correct and balanced diet could help you stay healthy and full of energy for a long time. Fortunately, living in Italy, most of us are helped by the so-called “Mediterranean diet”, rich in vegetables, fruit and vegetable proteins. However, we must not forget also animal proteins such as eggs. These are often demonized for their high fat content, but science has rehabilitated them. Here’s how many eggs per week high cholesterol sufferers can eat to enjoy health benefits. The same goes for dairy products. In fact, it is not known to many that this vitamin D-rich, cholesterol-lowering cheese could be worth gold for health. Let’s see together what it is.

It is not known to many that this vitamin D-rich, low-cholesterol cheese could be worth gold for health

We are talking about cottage cheese, ideal for this time of year as they would be valid allies of the diet, because they would provide a fairly modest number of calories. In fact, they would have about 98 for every hectogram of product.

They would also help to maintain the sense of satiety for a long time, avoiding uncontrolled hunger pangs. Likewise they would also have low cholesterol, or 17 milligrams for the same weight indicated above. If we made a comparison with a great classic, mozzarella, we would discover that this could contain approximately three times as much. For example, a portion of mozzarella, ranging between 100 and 120 grams, could contain about 60 mg of cholesterol. If, on the other hand, we extend our range of action to semi-seasoned products, which are notoriously more caloric, the values ​​would increase dramatically.

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Furthermore, cottage cheese would be rich in vitamin D, a precious vitamin is one of the most important and could ward off cancer and coronavirus. Finally, do not forget the presence of phosphorus and calcium, perfect for the health of bones and teeth.

The possible contraindications present in this type of food

But this does not mean exaggerating. In fact, according to Humanitas it would be better to limit the doses because, in addition to cholesterol, there would be high percentages of iodine. The standard dose of 2 grams per day should not be exceeded of the latter.

Likewise, the saturated fatty acids contained in this food should not exceed 10% of one’s personal caloric intake. So before consuming the milk figs it would be better to consult with your doctor.


Other than obesity and old age, the propensity for heart attack, stroke and heart problems would be written in our ears

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)

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