Home » It is surprising how this very simple daily action reduces the risk of disease, stroke and heart attack

It is surprising how this very simple daily action reduces the risk of disease, stroke and heart attack

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Important news in the fight against cardiovascular disease, stroke and heart attack comes from science. This is confirmed by the results of a long scientific study begun in the 1990s, published in the Heart magazine.
Again, science plays a fundamental role in improving the well-being of each individual.

For example, a recent study says that eating these foods regularly reduces the risk of stroke.

It is surprising how this very simple daily action reduces the risk of disease, stroke and heart attack

The benefits of a nice warm bath on sleep quality are well known. What emerges now, however, is that bathing in the tub also seems to affect the risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart attack, heart disease and stroke.

The scientific research, available here, saw the participation of about 43,000 people.
Through a questionnaire, the participants shared their daily habits. The information focused mainly on nutrition, physical exercise, possible drug treatments and personal cleaning methods.

Participants were followed and monitored until death and the study ended around 2009.

What does science say?

Basically, the scientists claim that of all the participants about 2,097 suffered from cardiovascular disease. 275 those who had heart attacks and 1769 who had strokes.
Taking into account all the triggers of heart attacks, one figure was noteworthy.
For those who allowed themselves a daily hot bath, the risk of cardiovascular disease was lowered by 28%, while for stroke it decreased by 26%.

More in-depth analyzes also showed that lukewarm water while bathing lowered the risk of cardiovascular disease by 26%. Hot water, on the other hand, appears to have lowered the risk of disease by 35%.
Results explained by the fact that the effects of the heat of the water on the body would seem very similar different to those of exercise.

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Therefore, according to this scientific study, a lower risk of hypertension would seem associated with a frequent bath in the tub, which translates into less risk of cardiovascular disease.

Obviously, the editorial team only has the possibility of informing about what science offers but only expert doctors can resolve any doubts and perplexities.

Meanwhile, we can say that it is surprising how this very simple daily action reduces the risk of disease, stroke and heart attack.

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