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Itching during training: this explains why

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Itching during training: this explains why

If you feel itchy skin when practicing your daily training session, this could be the reason.

Woman scratching herself (Pinterest -nucific.com)

When you go to train it happens very often to feel a sensation of itch and so you end up scratching yourself, compromising your training session.

But why does this happen? You may have asked yourself this more than once. I tell you right away that you don’t have to worry. This reaction it is more than normal. Now I’ll explain which one reason it manifests itself.

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The reason you feel itchy while exercising

physical activity causes tingling
Woman experiencing itchy arm (Pixabay)

During exercise increases the circulation some blood. This happens because your muscles contract and relax all the time while you play sports and need more blood flow to do so. At the same time, the heart beats faster if you are doing a training session. Therefore, also in this case the blood propagates faster to feed the muscles adequately.

All this causes an itchy sensation, more than normal in this case. But that’s not the only reason. Itching can arise as a result of several factors. Such as increased sweating or clothing that is too tight. In both cases the skin has a hard time breathing and this causes that annoying itch. Nothing to fear in these cases.

More worrying is a possible reaction allergic in progress. This can occur if you tend to exercise during the 5 hours following a meal. The increased circulation causes the allergens to be distributed quickly throughout the body, causing the feared reaction. In this case it is good to consult a doctor, especially if the itching does not seem to diminish.

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We have seen the main causes of this phenomenon. But now let’s try to understand how to prevent the problem. The itch is certainly annoying but fortunately it does not last long. That’s why the best thing to do is ignore it, even though I know it can be very difficult. You will see that the itchy sensation will pass when the body has warmed up properly. If, on the other hand, you are itchy when standing still, then it will take a little longer to pass. But you will see that the more you get used to exercise, the less you will experience this annoying sensation.

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Since we have seen that some possible causes can be clothing and sweat, avoid clothing that is too tight and always keep towels on hand to dry it for sweat. Very useful techniques to avoid the problem are certainly the warm-up and cool-down, respectively before and after training. In this way the body will not undergo a sudden change in temperature and will be able to adapt better to the new condition. That said, goodbye itch!

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